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After the whole 2 weeks had pass , Thiago got a very shocking news Mario was gun down on the same street he shot at but he was in some serious shii and needed up in the hospital those last 2 weeks.

U could say his life is a whole mess from dee situation to getting caught up with street gangsta woody and now being in the middle of their triangle.

" u haven't eaten in 2 hours " his grandmother said sitting at the empty seat infront of him, Thiago looked at her with a short smile his granny was his whole world his parents had to go on tour which he decided to stay with the old lady until they come Back.

Which happens to be in the same neighborhood so he had to join school and see dee and then spend his evening in woody's car . The two had gotten close over time and even started dating with each other , he didn't care about dee and started to be around him also he was dating woody and dee at the same time .

He would cancel out on plans just to see dee and cancel out other plans like late night drives with woody knowing he was sleeping over at dee or heading to the movies.

" it's fine just let it go " he got up from the table and walk towards his room hoping on the bed and typing away on wattpad. Even tho he had ups and downs he still wanted to write a book to express how he felt about the two males and what he wanna do .

And down he exclaim slammed his body on the soft mattress slowly leaning over to check the time , it was now 10:10 which was quite off to him knowing he left downstairs at 7:30 was he writing all this time long .

His body was too tired to respond so he fell asleep with his arms hanging off the bed.

16 and pregnant ( Book  2)Where stories live. Discover now