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" u keep starring at his gay ass bruh " .

I rolled my eyes and lit my blunt.

" stfu ya know he wanna hit wit his gay ass " my stud  best fren maya said waving devi off.

The same fine nigga from earlier was at the park,  with his luh fren and some other folks . I just came out hea to smoke and goof off .

" pretty sure u gon drop outta school,  u got way too much tattoos " an old folk said walking pass.

" bitch pls" maya mumbled.

I groaned.

" yall need to leave people alone damn!" I shouted throwing my ash tray on devi head.

The same dude start walking in my direction and I start to panic a luh , maya came near me and kissed my lips walking away with devi.

" uh.....sorry to bother u or anything but hey" he waved .

I look up from my phone and shrugged putting it back and fixing my hat.

" wassuh witchu?" He shrugs and took a seat looking at me.

" nun , can't a nigga say hi " he mugs .

He bet not tryna get smart , his shit gon get fucked open.

" lose yo attitude I ain't yo frens nigga " he bites his lip , then shook his head moving away from me .

" u can't do shit bitch " before I put my hands around his neck , some other folk came towards us pushing jhit away.

" ik the fuck u ain't tryna choke ma child " the dude seem way older , I look towards the dude and he got his head down.

" Thiago what I told yo ass about these men , they trouble now let's go" he waved me goodbye and walked away with the boy.


Thiago 💕🤍

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Thiago 💕🤍

" I really liked him ma ". Ma gave me a mug before dragging me aside.

" he trouble,  stay away okay remember u don't got a dick and fasho can get pregnant " he warned pointing at me.

I storm upstairs and grab my phone telling jahso to come over and stay with me for a minute.


" so mr fine ass came and yo ma made a fool of u " he smacks his knee giggling.

" bitch ma daddy would beat ma ass , we both can get pregnant fo why u think they protective " I agree.

" maybe if I went alone things would happen" I suggested.

" like what ? Him giving u a foot message,  your a virgin and he is fully born slut he ain't on yo lvl" I shrugged and hop on the bed.

I opened my Instagram seeing a message pop up, I opened it and some dude texted me a location and told me to pull up.

I checked the time little after texting the person back where i was . The air was cold as a bitch plus , ma ain't know I was out here .

Jahso was around the corner waiting for me in his car yyk just incase I don't return.

" bruhh hurry up " I recorded sending it to the person .

To my left about 3 persons came out an alley near by and started crossing the street in my direction.

" ayo !"

I know that voice anywhere,  it was the dude from the park and ma school.

He wasn't all dressed up but he got drip and made sure his gang did . The tension was thick considering he almost choked ma shit back then, I turned on my phone sending a quick message to jahso that I am alive and alright.

He held my hand and took me around through the alley until we made it towards an apartment.  He opens the door and everyone went inside,  the lights flick on and instantly I started to panic .

Guns everywhere. Money all over the place and also drugs and cocaine baggies .

" h-how - d-did - um....i- " he place his hand around my waist and shh me .

" slow down ma take ya time and look around " he chuckled.

I smiled,  I didn't know what to say plus he never talks to me and now this am surprised.

Dee was this bad ass nigga,  got all the females he wanted and shit . He wasn't no bully tho but people know not to fuck around the man's brain on certain stuff . He grew around people who did time and also bad stuff so he was a natural to it all .

Dee place his hands around Thiago's waist dragging him to the couch and both sat down Thiago ofcourse being on his lap. The twink didn't really make a fuss , he was all new to this and it made him happy a little seeing the school's fine ass nigga with him.

The front door of the apartment opens and a female enters Making dee smack his teeth and get up letting Thiago fall to the ground, soon pushing himself back unto the couch .

Author pov

" the fuck is this dee"  the much older lady said crossing her arms with a smug .

" chill aunty this ma people " she rolls her eyes and look towards Thiago.

" getcho faggot ass off my couch and out my house bitch " he was a little taken back nobody spoke to him like that ever .

" why u speaking on him like dat " devi said standing up for the twink.

" u can head out too , cause none of yall pays the bills in this mf " Sharron,  dee's guardian and only family support said.

" fuck u too then bitch , not like nobody wanna be hea " Thiago spat grabbing his phone and heading out the door followed by devi.

Everyone left...

" I can't believe u got them hoes in here dee " he rolled his eyes.

The lady was 40 and single . And dee was just 12 when she took him in other than him being out on the streets dealing with the crooks .

Dee plans to leave this house one day and find his happy ending as a hood nigga hopefully.

" I done told u , look am tired of u always telling me what I should do  . Am almost out this bitch and u already tryna start sum" .

" then leave nigga df " Sharron said waving him off.

Dee checked his phone seeing the time was 10 smth, he shrugs and went upstairs to play with his controller game.

16 and pregnant ( Book  2)Where stories live. Discover now