It's Just the Beginning

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First POV

Dimenia...Used to be a beautiful place, both inside and out.Everyone was happy, we were happy, I was happy...But people are dying because of this war and I'm running away. How pathetic is that. Dimenia is a dimension where different species of all kinds were transported to this world. Mostly human species. When this dimension was first found something in the air made it so that everyone started to mutate and gain new abilities to survive the unique climate of each plane. During time Dimenia was discovered by other dimensions and lots of species from those dimensions came to this one. Of course, no one wanted to share this new dimension so off to war they went. A couple of years went by, and this war still wasn't done. Until someone smart enough stepped in and ended the whole thing. That smart one was later to be crowned the ruler of my dimension and later my ancestor. Overtime, Dimenia became a dimension where all species were always welcomed and became the galaxy's biggest trading center and because of that, Dimenia is very wealthy.Dimenia has many amazing sights such as the ocean, where there are sea animals, sea monsters, merfolk and sirens. Some choose to be on land, and some choose to be in the water. The Eye Forest is the forest where hunters go to hunt for creatures and people to chop down wood or hunt for animals so they can get food or sell that meat for shops. The forest does have secrets that will probably never be revealed. There is a myth that portals appear in random places in the forest. The underground region, a place of electoral power and is home to underground monsters and crystals. The arctic region is the ice mountain right next to the capital. We get our ice from there as well. People there have ice and snow magic. In the middle of all of these regions lies the capital where the castle is at the head. There are all kinds of shops and stands for magic, clothes, materials, food, animals, scams, etc. Most of the people live in the capitol. Dimenia is a monarchy, meaning it is ruled by a King and Queen, it's been that way for centuries and will continue its royal line. Currently ruled by Dimenia's King and he has three daughters that he loves very much. One of them being me. I am Wolfie Dimension, Princess of Dimenia. This is my story.

Third POV

 The bright helios start to arise from its slumber, shining down the light onto the beautiful grounds of Dimenia, the dimension of dimensions. Everyone starts awakening by helios' light, some are happy, some are still tired, others are already up due to working. As the first few hours go by it was already 9:00 and by this time helios's light will hit a certain window, a window belonging to the princess's chambers. Sleeping peacefully in her soft bed, unbothered by the natural light hitting passed her curtains. This doesn't wake her up, oh no. But what does wake her up is the knocking of her servant right outside the Princess's door. 

Wolfie's POV

I hear knocking but I ignore it until I hear the voice of my servant "My lady! It's time to wake up!" I hear her call. I grumble and tell her "Five more minutes..." as I pull my sleeping mask down even though I never had it down on my eyes before. I try to fall back asleep until my servant says, "But Lady Wolfie, it's your birthday and you need to hurry to get ready so you can go to Mewni and retrieve the Butterfly wand from the Butterfly family!" I opened up my eyes and, in a flash, I got ready and burst open the door while happily saying "It's my birthday!! I totally forgot!" I look over to my maid who I accidentally crushed the door with. My maid opens or closes the door in order for me to see her. "Oh sorry!" I say then I run off because I was in a hurry to get to Mewni. I don't want to be late! 

Maid's POV

 "At least she got up" I sigh.

Wolfie's POV

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