[ch 12]

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light had dusted the soft features of your face and had waken you up from your peaceful slumber

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light had dusted the soft features of your face and had waken you up from your peaceful slumber. you hadn't dreamed at all. it was blank. maybe you were so mentally tired that your brain couldn't even muster the strength to create a dream. you opened your eyes and stretched your arms out until they felt like wet spaghetti.

you didn't give it a second thought when starting the car and driving yourself home. you stopped by the cafe in roppongi and ordered the same tea from last time to treat yourself but also wake yourself up and start your day. you parked your car in the driveway and proceeded to exit the car when you saw someone sleeping on your porch. it was gojo. he had his knees curled up to his chest and his head was leaning against the wall beside the door. he seemed to be disturbed even while being asleep. his body was shivering and the tip of his nose was purple with cold.

you walked over to him and sat beside him. you rested your body on his side as you grabbed your knees and stared at the driveway. gojo began shifting beside you and put his arm around your shoulder and bought you closer to him. he briefly opened his eyes as you played with his hair and he nuzzled his face into your chest. which you were pretty sure was very warm. "i'm sorry y/n." gojo suddenly spoke, your fingers paused for a moment before resuming to run through his hair. "i know you're mad at me for what i did, but i did go after you. you're just... really damn fast." he let out a tired chuckle while he sat up normally and looked you straight in the eyes. "please say something, anything y/n, you're scaring me." gojo did have a worried look on his face but the shivering of his body overlaid that. "you're freezing." you said as you began to get up. "come inside, i bet nyx is toasty." a smile lit up his face. "that would be great." he muttered as he followed behind you.

you both took off your shoes and you quickly got changed into something warm and comfortable. a skin tight black shirt and grey sweatpants with a red crocheted sweater on top. the crocheted sweater was a gift from shouko when she was in her crocheting phase and you absolutely loved the little things she made for you. you threw a pair of an over-sized hoodie and sweatpants at gojo when you reached back downstairs. "where'd you get these from?" he asked in confusion when the clothing actually fit him. "i had an over-sized mens clothing hyper fixation if that's what you want to call it." gojo laughed at the comment before beginning to change. your back was turned to him because you were making some hot chocolate to warm yourselves up.

while waiting for the water to boil, gojo grabbed the remote and turned on the tv. he started playing one of your playlists and your head perked up. you turned your head towards his direction and saw him smiling at you but then his attention was taken away when nyx went to cuddle with him. the song that was playing was one that always got you to dance because it was catchy and lifted your mood.

[Light Switch • Charlie Puth]

since you had nothing to do while the water was beginning to boil. you began to tap your feet to the rhythm of the song. the tapping lead to head bops. the bopping lead to body swaying. and next thing you know the swaying transformed into tiny hops with your hands all over the place while you were singing along to the song. your body came to a halt when you saw the flash of a camera and a snicker coming from behind you. your body slowly turned to where gojo was sat on the sofa. the sofa where you two did... that. there was no shame in it, but the memory comes hollering back. you walked the over to gojo and he stopped recording you but continued to stare at you while he put his phone down. you held a hand out to him, "wanna dance?" gojo seemed to be in shock but put his hands in yours and skillfully jumped over the sofa so that he's right in front of you.

[Voulez-Vous • ABBA]

"this is a good one." gojo muttered while grabbing your waist with one hand and placed the other on your shoulder. you repeated his actions and you both started moving. quick motions to match the pace of the song. your legs moved together like two cogs in a machine. uniform and synchronized. he extended his arm and you spun out with the chorus and he pulled you back to him with his free arm. your waists flush against each other. you started humming the song while gojo and you started getting more chaotic but both of you were still in sync with the movement. both your legs knew their places because they have known the choreography of the dance since you were kids. it was muscle memory. it was a dance gojos parents taught you. you never admitted it but you kept doing the dance and perfected it. gojo did something unexpected and slid his hand that was on your shoulder to your waist. he picked you up and threw you above him with ease. you were in shock but quickly recovered while midair and did a quick spin before he caught you by you waist again and twirled you around with one hand.

you couldn't help but laugh at a bit and just sang along with the song.

Take it now or leave it
Now is all we get
Nothing promised, no regrets
Ain't no big decision
You know what to do
La question c'est voulez-vous

gojo began singing with you as well and the dance was left to be forgotten. that's when you realized that the water was almost ready and the song had just ended. you walked over to the counter and made the hot chocolate. you handed gojo a mug that was topped with whipped cream and chocolate shavings. a warm smile grew on his face, "thanks." he said as he took a sip. he put the mug down and hugged you from behind while you were drinking your own hot chocolate. "gojo, i'm busy." you tried snake out of his embrace but it only made him pull you closer into his ensnaring scent. he always smelt rich. there would never be a time when he was caught without him being perfect in some way shape or form. this used to agitate you to your core, it still did. but you've learnt to come to terms with it. being in gojo's shadow. however, this time, it wasn't quite the case. you're not in his shadow. you're standing beside him, as equals.

"what's on your beautiful mind?" gojo asked as he bought you closer to his hips and rested his chin on your shoulder. a shock of electricity made the hairs on the back of your neck stand. you let out a breath to control yourself and gather your thoughts. "nothing much, just about how much i want to kick you where the sun don't shine." gojo laughed at your comment and loosened his grip on your waist but left his chin where it was. "are you planning on working today?" you asked gojo when you realized it was a week day. "when has it ever been an issue that we didn't attend work?" we. the jujutsu staff couldn't care less unless it was important or the students needed to be taught something. other than that, it was all solitary work. which you didn't mind. heck, you loved working without anyone to disturb you.

you took another sip of your drink and almost finished it in one gulp. it was delicious, and you were looking for a distraction. "can we do this upstairs?" gojo couldn't help but snicker at the comment before picking you up and throwing you on his shoulder. your torso was dangling around his back while your legs were in front of him. big mistake. without a second thought, your hand moved without thinking and you slapped his ass. it was not in the romantic couple way. it was hard. gojo yelped as he dropped you in front of him and put on quite a show of trying to suppress his pain while biting his lip. you apologized before taking his hand and taking him to your room. you knew damn well that he knew where your room was and that he was perfectly fine reaching there on his own. but you just wanted to touch him. neither of you did mind. so you continued doing it. there was no shame in it, and you both enjoyed it.

"what are you taking me to your room for?"


"𝐁𝐋𝐀𝐂𝐊 𝐎𝐔𝐓 𝐃𝐀𝐘𝐒." | gojo s. x !fem reader.Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu