Quickly, I withdrew my hand from my mouth. "Oh no," I countered. "I'm very alright."

Noting her gaze hadn't left me, I rubbed my hands all over my gown nervously, I was quarter to puking amidst all the noise and different smells.

"If you need the ladies, I could go with you." She suggested.

My face turned away from all the crazy dancing and faced her. "Zora right?" She nodded slowly with a faint smile on her lips. "We just met a few minutes ago. The thing is that I don't understand why are you acting so concerned."

She heaved a sigh and walked closer to me. "Mama hired me to make you girls comfortable."


"Yes." She answered.

"Then go to the other girls and show off your comfort skills!" My left flew up in the air in frustration. Mama and her tricks. There's always someone monitoring me.

She sighed again, rubbing her long polished nails over her eyes.

Her flowing glitter-filled silver dress followed her as she came closer to me. "Look, you are Mama's main priority. "If you are okay, then the rest is a piece of cake."

"Why would I be Mama's prior....."

"Zora?" Mama's voice caught me off. Both of us looked up to see my boss waving the slender fair-skinned lady over.

I sighed in relief, still maintaining my position. I hadn't moved from where I stood since we got there. The other girls were already in the arms of different men, dancing.

In my defense, if I was going to be pimped out to a man this morning, I'd rather save my energy for that terrible experience than be tossed between men all in the name of dancing.

I lasered my eyes on the duo. Mama and her new chaperone were arguing. That I was sure of. Their different body gestures were becoming annoying with Mama repeatedly pointing at me.

Minutes later, Zora was on her way back towards me. I waited patiently for the next move. "Do you see that guy over there?" I followed the trajectory of her right finger.

A big bubbly old man was winking at me and smacking his lips.

"That old guy?"

"Careful." She warned. Her eyes were still on the guy.

My response was a long disdainful hiss. Where my boldness came from, I couldn't tell. Maybe, because of the many people in the room, I just felt Mama and her gang couldn't hurt me here. And my plan B was to find a safe exit and flee.

She swiftly turned her head back at me. "Be careful with what you say, that man is rich, a billionaire. You should be grateful he only wants to dance with you."

"So?" My hands landed on my waist angrily. "Should I fry water because a grandpa is a perv?"

"Ogwu, please!" Zora stomped frustratingly.

"Please for what exactly?" I hissed. "That I should go rub the body with a man old enough to be my grandpa?"

She went silent for a minute, gazing at me intensely. "Let's do it this way." Her hands rested gently on her thighs. "Dance with him and I'll give you ten thousand Naira."

My eyes widened in surprise. A lone smile crossed my lips and I met her gaze. My plan of running away was building in my head and I would need that money.

"Only on one condition." My fingers pointed at her.

She nodded. "Say it."

"That you never tell Mama about this bribe." I felt the money as she dumped it inside my bra.

"Well, That's the plan." She was codedly fixing my dress in disguise while planting the money there. "Look, If you don't dance with him, I'll get in trouble with Mama and the man."

I nodded and still stood there. "Why are you still standing there?" I shrugged.

"Common, let's go." She urged. Reluctantly, I followed her to where the guy stood waiting.

After an excruciating ten minutes of dancing with the pot-bellied old man, he walked away angrily, cursing me out. I scoffed and went back to my position. His plea of taking me to his room which was in the same location fell on deaf ears. No way was I going to bed with him, especially when I could willingly decide that.

Mama angrily found her way to me, bouncing on her walking stick. "Why would you treat that man like that?" She yelled.  "He was nice to you, wasn't he?"

I was so close to spitting on her face, but instead, I rolled my eyes in my head while fidgeting at her mere presence. When words refused to leave my lips, she marched off mumbling incoherent words.

This was unlike this woman. The Mama I knew would have bundled me into that man's car or room, but here she was acting like a saint. What was going on? I wondered.

My eyes glanced over the room again, most of the girls were seen laughing and dancing with the men they had danced with. It seemed as though they were willingly doing and enjoying this.

Then it all dawned on me. This was what Mama wanted to portray. That these girls as little as fifteen were willing to sell themselves for money, That we were a gang of willing young prostitutes. Of course, with her as our manager. To keep these high-end customers coming, she had to make them believe this was consensual.

It'd been a couple of hours into the party, time on the large clock was 5:15 am.  Suddenly, there were movements, men in all black and dark glasses stepped into the room. Positioned themselves by the entrance. They stood with their legs apart and the facelifted directly opposite each other.

Another set of men in white flowing gowns entered the room. I counted ten of them. While they sat across the room close to a newly formed elevated podium, everything thing came to a standstill. The music stopped and the dancers backed away from the center of the hall.

While the rest of the crowd stood shoulder to shoulder with themselves, they waited for a young man in his thirties to step on the podium. He gripped the microphone and raised it to his height.

"Good evening everyone. Hope you are all enjoying yourselves?"

Rounds of applause filled the room as many people shouted, "Yes!"

He smiled and took in the crowd. "Welcome to our bi-yearly gala, auctions, and parties." Today's auction will help the foundation to raise over a million dollars. It will also help our highest bidders go home with the best of pleasures for a week."

Shouts of excitement filled the room.  He waited for the screams and laughter to die down before he lifted a red card in the air. "Our first auction tonight is number 3421."

Everyone flipped their cards from wherever they hid them. "Number 3421, please  step on this podium." He pointed to the space next to him.

My eyes quickly flashed on my card. "It isn't me." I breathed, "Thank God, it is not me!"

Minutes passed and no one stepped on that stage. The man looked around in confusion.

Clearing his throat, "You will find your number at the back of your card. The last four digits will be your code name and that's what we are auctioning."

I checked my card again, but it still wasn't me. A moody girl walked reluctantly to the stage followed by Mama and Zora. They helped her on the stage. It was one of the girls who came with us.

One of the VIPs hurriedly stood up and was about to bid before the guy in charge stopped him.

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