Ally nodded and ran out of the room. 

Normani sat down and helped Lauren get her shoes and socks on after the girl struggled for a minute.

Lauren pouted. "I do," she mumbled sadly. 

"You'll get there, kiddo. Just need some more practice."

Lauren perked up a little bit. "Nala?" she asked, completely changing the topic. "Nala, um, b'ing wif?" 

Normani nodded as she stood. "Of course you can," she confirmed. "Do you think we should bring Stitch with for Ally?" It wasn't even a question that needed to be asked, but Lauren still nodded excitedly. 

Normani grabbed both plushes off of Lauren's bed (more often than not, the two seemed to end up in the same bed even though they started off separately) and held them out to the girl.

Lauren snatched them both and proceeded to run off.

"Lauren, be careful!" Normani called warningly. 

There was a loud commotion just a couple moments later and some yells followed. Normani hurried out to the living room. Lauren and Ally were on the ground with Dinah knelt next to them checking for injuries.

"You gotta slow down some times, Turbo," Dinah scolded gently as she helped Lauren up. "Especially when you're holding things you can't even see over."

Lauren just stared at the woman confusedly.

Dinah sighed and shook her head, though she tried to hide a smile. "You can't run around the house like that, Lauren," she restated. "You might get hurt, or hurt someone else." She gently took hold of Lauren's hand. "Bathroom check, and then we should be good to go. I've got the carseats in already," she said before she ventured down the hall with Lauren following behind.

Normani glanced to Ally, who had just picked up her Stitch plush and then gone tense. "Ally?" she called softly.

"We- we gonna go in- in a car?" she asked, lip quivering and voice shaking. It didn't take long before her whole body trembled. She brought the plush to her face and nervously started to bite it's ear. 

Normani sighed and moved to kneel in front of the girl. "Ally, in order to go to the doctor, we have to get in the car," she gently explained.

Ally let out a distressed whine as she clenched her eyes shut and shook her head wildly. "No, no, no. Don't want," she said as her breathing picked up, becoming slightly erratic. 

Normani slowly reached out but paused when the girl took a step back. "Ally, honey, it's going to be okay," she tried to promise.

"No. Cars bad. No. Bad." Ally shook her head again and hiccuped softly. "Don't want. No. No. Don't wanna go," she said as her hiccups turned into cries. Tears fell down her cheeks.


Normani turned to find Dinah and Lauren standing at the edge of the hallway. Dinah looked concernedly at Normani as Lauren ran over to her sister.

Ally just shook her head and cried harder as Lauren wrapped her up in a hug. Dinah thankfully moved closer to the two before Ally collapsed to the floor, and she managed to keep them from hitting the ground roughly. Lauren kept a hold of her sister as Dinah situated them on the ground.

"Ally, honey," Dinah said softly over the girl's cries. When Ally didn't stop, she looked up at her wife helplessly. She bit her lip for a moment and then asked, "Do you think we should hold off? She's terrified, Mani." She motioned to where Ally was still enveloped in Lauren's arms, trembling and crying in distress. "As much as I think going would help, I don't want to traumatize her even more forcing her into the car."

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