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I plopped myself on my desk and sighed. I felt so exhausted

"Long night?" Melanie smiled at me and I laughed.

"Yeah kinda. I just got home late is all. You're coming tomorrow right?" I smiled opening up my laptop.

"Yes, and I'm bringing a date." She smirked.

"Stop, I love that." I wiggled my eyebrows at her.

"He's super nice Grace. And his family owns like, three buildings in the upper east side."

"Um, where did you find him? And where do I sign up?" We both laughed.

"So, um, I got a weird email from Bridge yesterday." Melanie said slowly.

"Oh." I said, not moving my eyes from the computer.

"She is also having a get together Friday night. She labeled it a sweet surprise." She rolled her eyes and I swallowed.

"Of all the days, she chose my birthday night. As if she doesn't even know." I shook my head pinching my lip between my fingers.

"I wonder what it's for." She said, turning her laptop to me as she clicked not attending.

"I think I know." I felt the color drain from me and Melanie raised an eyebrow.


"She's pregnant. With, Evan's baby." I said, biting back my tears.

"Shut the fuck up. No fucking way." Melanie stood up and walked over, sitting on my desk next to me.

"Yeah. I saw her, a couple weeks ago. I know she's due soon. So," I bit my lip and shook my head.

"Grace. He's a dick. And she's fucking....I don't even have words for her."

"I wonder who's going to end up going instead of coming tomorrow." I said.

"I hope no one does. And if they do I hope they call her out on her shit."

I took a deep breath and closed my laptop, "I think imma work from home."

"Go. I'll cover for you."

I nodded and bit my lip softly, "Thanks."

I sat in the backseat of Harry's car. I had decided on a black silky dress, my hair was up so that my shoulders could be exposed. I had worn black liner that made my green eyes pop and a red lipstick.

I had been quiet since he picked me up. I couldn't shake the thought of pregnant Bridge and Evan together.

"You okay Grace?" He said, he reached over hesitantly before squeezing my knee.

"Long story." I whispered.

"We have a bit of a drive." He smiled playfully and I laughed softly.

"Remember the girl, from the bagel shop?"

"The shitty best friend?" He smirked.

"She's having a get together. Tomorrow night. Invited everyone I did for my party. And she labeled it, 'a sweet surprise'. Which I'm guessing is her finally telling everyone she's pregnant because she's due soon." I took a deep breath, swallowing back tears, before looking away from him.

I heard as Harry unbuckled his seatbelt and scooted over next to me, he turned my face to his softly, "Hey. He's an idiot. She's, well, I can't speak ill on women. And you, are so beautiful. And funny. And smart. And you drink better than most men I know." We both laughed at the last part and I moved my gaze down and away from him., "Grace. You are perfect."

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