The Last Time

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I woke up in Frank's brownstone to the smell of freshly brewed coffee. Sitting up on his couch, I peeked over in the direction of the kitchen. I saw Frank's shadow moving around and the sound of him singing in Italian filled my ears. I couldn't help but smile, I had missed him. His singing, the way his home always felt so crisp and clean.

I got up, wrapping the blanket around me and made my way into the kitchen, "Morning." I said, and he turned to me smiling.

"Morning. How are you? Better I hope?" He said turning again to grab two coffee cups and serving them up.

"Yeah, I think. I just, needed to not be in my loft. So thank you. I know this is the last thing you need or want right now." I bit my lip, sitting down in the stool near the counter.

"Mmm, I mean, I want, but probably don't need." He said playfully, bringing my coffee over. He hovered next to me a bit, before I saw the look of giving in on his face and he hugged me.

"So what did he do?" He said softly, his chin on my head.

"A lot, without really doing anything." I said softly.

"That tends to be the worst."

I took a deep breath and nodded, "Yeah. But what's crazy, is....I still want to be with him."

I felt him tense slightly, but he never let go of me. He cleared his throat, "The heart wants what it wants, but, it also deserves to be given what it deserves."

He let go of me enough to look down at me, "And I know you know what you deserve Grace."

"I just, don't want to be second, to anyone. And I felt that way yesterday. He made me feel, almost invisible." I whispered, biting my lip, not wanting to cry again. I took a deep breath, "I don't know."

He moved my hair behind my ear, and I hated how comfortable I felt right now. I hated how tiny inklings of regret were filling my body on not just choosing Frank. He was the safe option.

Because he shouldn't be the safe option, he should be the option.

I hated when my inner monologue was right, but it was the truth. Frank didn't bring me back to life the way Harry had.

"Did you let him explain?" Frank finally said, breaking my train of thought.

"No, that's why I'm here. I heard him telling Lydia he would be stopping by in the morning....and, I dunno. I'm scared of how easy I would give in. I just feel like the safest bet is to walk away."

"Can I be honest, as a man." He smiled a bit and I nodded, "If I was in Harry's shoes, and I bumped, into you for instance, for the first time in a while, I would block everything out too. Not intentionally. Just, out of lack of better judgement. He's obviously enamored by you, Gracie, but, sometimes habit takes over. They were together for a while. I don't think it should be forgotten, or dismissed completely. I just think maybe, he deserves some grace. No pun intended." He smiled and we both chuckled. I took a deep breath and nodded.

"I guess, for you to not be completely throwing him under the bus, I should take your word for it." I teased just a bit and he snorted a bit.

"Trust me, I had to fight myself in not sabotaging him right now and reminding you how I can make you feel. But, that wouldn't be fair, not just to him, but to you. You deserve to be happy, Grace. Even if it's not with me."

I smiled small, and quickly looked away, trying to swallow back my tears. I hated how sentimental both these men had made me, it was annoying.

"Thanks Frank."

Harry's POV

I showed up at 7am at her loft and Lydia looked so displeased to see me that early. She let me in and I made my way over to Grace's room. I opened the door slowly and peeked in. I felt my heart drop to my stomach when I saw her bed was empty.

"Grace?" I called out, but no response came. I felt Lydia walk up behind me.

"I swear she was there Harry. I didn't see nor hear her leave at any point this morning."

I took a deep breath, closing the door behind me, "It's fine. I'll....can I wait? On the couch?"

"Yeah, that's fine. There is a blanket on there if you want to sleep a bit. I'm sure she just went out for a run or something."

"Her bed doesn't even looked slept in. She hates fixing her bed when she first wakes up." I said and she nodded knowing I was right.

"I'm sorry Harry. It'll work out. Just you wait and see." I nodded, making my way over to the couch and sitting down. Deep down, I couldn't help but feel like she ran to Frank. I couldn't help but feel like he took advantage of the situation and then I quickly had to stop my thoughts. Or they would destroy me further.

Grace's POV

I walked into my loft to find Harry asleep on the couch. I couldn't help but feel bad in wondering how long he had been waiting for me. I walked over and sat on the edge of the couch, leaning down and kissing his cheek softly.

He stirred, shifting on the couch a bit and I couldn't help but chuckle softly, causing him to peek open an eye.

"Hey you." I said softly, his eyes looked sad.

"Grace, I'm so sorry. I'm such an idiot."

"Harry, look. I just, want to let it go, okay? I get it, you haven't seen her, in a while. I just, I get it. I wanna move past it."

I watched as he sat up, and pulled me closer to him, "But I should have introduced you first. As the woman I'm dating. As the woman who should be receiving all my undivided attention." He tucked my hair behind my ear and smiled softly.

"You should have, but you didn't. I just don't want to linger on it anymore. Yesterday wasn't what I envisioned at all, and it's fine. Just, don't let it happen again. I'm serious Harry. You're leaving soon, and I don't want to waste time, being hurt by you." I said, my eyes searching his. There was a sadness in them as I said the last words, but he needed to know. He did hurt me.

"Okay, I promise."

"It's the last time I believe that word out of your mouth." I said sternly and he nodded, before leaning forward and kissing me deeply.

I hated that, that's all it took for me to melt. I instantly gave into his touch. His taste. I needed this to work more than I've ever wanted anything to work in my life.

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