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I woke up tangled up in Harry at around 5am. I took my body's need to wake up as my sign to make my way home, slowly starting to get up.

"Where you going?" He said softly, I looked over my shoulder at him and smiled subtlety.

"I don't normally stay overnight when this happens."

He chuckled, "And what is it that has happened? A one night stand?"

I chuckled softly biting my lip, unsure of what to say.

"Stay." He said lowly. I looked into his green eyes and against my better will, I laid back down on my side, facing him.

He turned his body to look at me, pushing my hair behind my ear.

"So who is she?" I said softly.

"Who's who?"

"The girl that broke your heart." I slowly reached my hand up, tracing where I knew his dimple should be.

"Some actress." He half smiled.

"Mmm, that's narrows it down." I laughed softly.

"Olivia Wilde. I..." he took a deep breath, "I really thought she was the one."

I smiled a bit, "They never really are huh?" I moved my hand away, nestling it under my cheek as I laid on it.

"I guess not."

"That's why I don't do relationships. They never work." I pressed my lips into a tight line.

"So optimistic." He chuckled and I couldn't help but join in looking down.

"I know. I'm the queen of optimism." I smiled looking back up at him.

He moved his finger softly along my cheek, "The biggest crown."

I bit my smile back, and turned into the pillow yawning.

"Let's sleep a little longer, then I'll let you go."

"Let me huh?" I raised an eyebrow at him and he nodded, pulling me into his arms. I nestled into him and soon we were asleep.

I woke up before he did later that day and got up quietly, slipping on my clothes from the night before. I padded my way into his bathroom and cleaned around my eyes, tossing my hair up in a ponytail, smoothing out some of the knots.

I rinsed my mouth out with some mouth wash quickly, before making my way back to his room to grab my shoes. As I walked in, I found him sitting up on the edge of the bed.

"Morning Harry." I smiled softly.

"Morning Grace."

"I'll be out of your way, just came back to grab my shoes." I slipped my feet into my wedges pulling the straps over my ankles.

"I was wondering, if I could get your number?" He asked as I fixed my shoe. I stood up and smiled at him.

"I say, let's leave it up to chance. You see me at a bar again, you get my number. You don't, well, then it was a great night and the sex was undeniably amazing." I couldn't help the smirk that appeared on my face as I turned on my heels and walked out of his room, out of the hotel and back into the real world.

A world where having a one night stand with a pop star isn't an everyday reality.

"Lydia, I'm home."

"You little fucking bitch," she smirked as she walked in, hopping on the kitchen counter as I made my way over serving myself some iced coffee, "So how was he?"

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