It Hasn't Been That Long

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I painted my toe nails on the living room floor on Tuesday night as Lydia got home from work.

"Well I'm glad to know Eddie hasn't murdered you." I smiled playfully.

"Shut up. I miss you too." She grabbed a Diet Coke and sat on the couch, "I heard you have a date with Frank tomorrow night."

"It's not a date Lydia." I said cleaning up the polish.

"Babe, you spend almost everyday with him. It's called dating at this point." She said taking a sip.

"Lydia. He knows I don't want a relationship. He's made it clear, he's enjoying my company for now. And I'm aware of how he feels as well. It's working for us. And I'll cross the whole we can't see each other anymore bridge when I get to it."

"Grace, why are you pushing away a good thing?"

"Because I don't want to be in a relationship, Lydia. I don't want to be in one so badly that I fucked Harry two weeks ago; he's taking me out Thursday for my birthday and I'll probably have sex with him again. And he's going on Friday." I said at her, her eyes widening at me.

"You are going to have both your men, in the same room. Wow, you really have no heart left." I felt slightly taken aback by her words. It wasn't entirely true, but she also wasn't entirely lying. I looked down quietly and finished my nails, closing up the nail polish.

I got up slowly, making sure I didn't mess up my nails, and began picking up the extra polishes and clippers.

"Grace. I'm sorry. I didn't mean—Just drop it Lydia. It's fine." I interrupted, walking towards my room, "I have some work to finish."

I closed the door behind me and sat on my bed, laying back. I hated being this person, but I had grown so used to it. So used to being alone. To the coldness of my heart finding temporary warmth, that came in different temperatures depending on the man. I closed my eyes and shook my head, taking a deep breath.

I heard my door creak open, and I wasn't surprised when Lydia laid down next to me.

"Gracie. I'm sorry. But, it's been a while now. You need to let go of the pain Evan caused."

"You know she's pregnant." I whispered softly.

"Who?" She said sitting up slightly.

"Bridge. With his baby."

I felt as her eyes looked over me, unsure of what to say. Of what to do, "How do do you know?"

"Ace. He let it slip one day. And then, I went there with Harry. And she showed up. I'm sure she's due soon." I bit my lip as tears fell from my eyes, "It hasn't been that long Lydia. I knew he started loving me less the moment.."

I couldn't finish my thought, I covered my face with my hands, and cried quietly. Her body was quickly over mine embracing me, "I'm such a fucking dick, I'm so sorry Grace. I didn't know. I literally just talked to so many people from college. Some that are still her friends. No one said anything."

"I don't think anyone knows. Neither of them have posted anytbing about it. I didn't believe Ace until I saw it in person. He would tell me, and give me updates, but, Evan, he didn't even wait a full year. Two years just passed." I shook my head, pushing her off softly so I could sit up.

I wiped my face, and sniffled, "I'm always going to be the broken woman who can't have babies. And that's fi—Grace Prescott stop it right now. You are not broken. If you want a child, there are other ways. And some day a man, not a boy, a man is going to love you, and appreciate you, and make you realize that. So stop. Not on your birthday week." Lydia had sat up and looked at me sternly.

Harry & Grace [H.S]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora