Sweet Valentine (Gosha x reader)

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Getting a valentine card is a nice thing...

...especially when you get one!

This year, I haven't got a single card. I have no boyfriend, but not even a secret admirer had bothered to send one, if there was any. It gets worse, when your friends want to make a valentines party in an apartment community you live with. I was outnumbered, by roommates...and their boy and girlfriends. At least they didn't get on my nerves on why I had no lover at the moment, like that was so important for one day in a year.

Not too far off, the town held a valentine festival at the park.

Before I had to watch them all smooth around, I grabbed my coat and left them to themselves. Seeing what the festival is like, since you don't have to come in pairs to see the fireworks. And it seems that another animal had the same idea; our good old neighbor, the Komodo dragon Gosha. We hardly speak to each other in the corridors, but when we do, it was mainly small talk. He is one of the quiet neighbors that you won't notice if he won't get out of his apartment once in a while. I see him go out every Saturday, while a huge smile is on his face. My guess is that he visits someone special. For an old dragon he is still good looking.

But today is Friday and he was also wearing coat.

Since we never talked much before, I gave it a try...maybe I don't have to go to the festival on my own. Gosha seems to be delighted that I asked. His smile grew, as we both left the building and towards the park. It was filled with several food stands, giving out eatable heart-shaped waffles and sweets. Even stand were selling roses and cards too. Gosha looked just as excited around the place, "This takes me back. I used to go here with my wife."

I didn't know he had a wife or even a child and a grandchild.

The dragon just lets it out without me questioning him about his life. Gosha noticed a while later that he kept on talking without a break, "I am sorry, I didn't mean to bother you with my constant chatter." This place just brings up memories to the old dragon, that he couldn't help himself. The few minutes he talked, I knew more about him than all those months we lived next door to another. I began to like this old dragon, offering him to go out with each other more often. The big lizard had never expected to hear that from me, as his eyes went wide, "Really? You really want to spend time with an old man like me?" I flattered him with a compliment, "A gentleman like you deserves to be in company of a young lady." Gosha was moved by this, holding my hand tenderly, "Only once, I came here with a young girl at my side..." he had trouble to keep his words steady, "...that was my daughter." He said that she didn't go out with him once she got into high school...that part he didn't tell me why.

To lift up the mood, the Komodo dragon led me to the food stand.

He told me to get two waffles and he will be right back. Later on, we sat on a bench on where we can see the fireworks later on. While I ate my waffle, I didn't see how Gosha got something from behind the bench. Just as I turned my head in his direction, I could see it. The old Komodo dragon, holding a rose in his hand, "For my sweet company..." next he reached out for an envelope, "...and a wonderful neighbor." Gosha said that this is what he gave his wife and daughter on the day of the festival...and now, he gave it to me. It took him by surprise, as I just hugged him without a warning, "I want to make it up to you." The old dragon wasn't sure what I meant, until I dragged him to the photo stand, "You said you took photos together right?" I picked that up at this constant chatter earlier. A little embarrassed, he nodded, "But we don't have to..."

"I insist."

That was my present to Gosha, giving him something to remember this day. The rest of the night, we spend at the bench, watching the fireworks together. Later at home, I wished him a good night, kissing his cheek. He wished the same, leaning closer to reach for my cheek. I couldn't help but smile wide; it was such a sweet kiss...so innocent...just like a grandfather would.

Back in the apartment, I saw my friends drinking and having a good time. The moment they saw the rose and card, they had to ask, "Who is it?"

I smiled wide, "Someone special"

"A hot guy?"

My smile just got wider, "A sweet guy"

"Will you two see each other again?"

I nodded at this, "I am sure we will. Well, good night guys!" While my friends are still standing there with a lot of questions open, I got into my nightshirt and opened the envelope:

For my sweet neighbor,

Thank you for allowing me opt be your valentine tonight. I will never forget your kindness and I hope that you enjoyed my company as much as I did. I am looking forward to cherish more moments with you in the future.

Your secret admirer

Gosha...your neighbor next door

"How is that a secret Gosha?" I had to laugh at this, it was just so beautiful. But even for the Komodo dragon was that night special. He got out his old album, of where he got all the photos of his wife and daughter. He found the images of the valentine festival...but hesitated to add our photo to that collection. Raising his head up, he closed the book and went over to his shelf. After a few minutes of setting it up, another picture frame stood beside his wife and daughter. This moment shouldn't be hidden in an album, he thought. He wants to get up in the morning, smiling wide at that photo, knowing, that this was not a dream. At the end...

...we were like family; grandfather and his granddaughter.

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