Babysitting (Aoba x reader)

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Children are a woman's job to take care of.

Aoba never forget how he said that to his mother, regretting it big time. That young eagle is normally known to be wise and caring, always open to help others and use his words well in an argument. Mind you, he wasn't always this smart. On his first year of school, he believed that he didn't have to do a single thing to rise to the top, leaving everything to his parents or siblings. When he said this very sentence towards his family, they finally had enough. His father, a very respectable eagle in the high society, will not tolerate such words by his sons, even his daughters had to show respect.

Therefore, Aoba bound to take over his sister's job and babysits the kids from the neighbors. A handful of bald eagles are stuck on his feather...and this through the summer holidays. An idea of his old man to show him what it means to take responsibility, instead of pushing them towards others.

The young eagle had no interest to do anything with the little birds.

He already and idea and heads over to me, a female eagle that he had known since childhood. I used to have a massive crush on him, until we went on separate schools. Normally I would be smiling with joy to see him at my doorstep, but my beak remained still, as of my eyes looked at a bunch of little smiling faces, "...what is this all about Aoba?" The young eagle shoved them inside my home, "Here you go, there all yours."

"Are you kidding me?"

"Not really, you are a female; you know how to take care of children."

He wasn't aware that his father already paid me a visit last night, preventing him to pull his job on me, "No way, this is your responsibility." Aoba just ignored my words and left, but that will not help him. It is time to teach him a lesson, kneeling down before the kids as I whispered something into their ears, "Okay...have fun boys!" Their little beaks went up to a smile, as they ran after the young eagle. Aoba didn't see it coming as they plucked on his feathers.

"Ow, ow, ow stop that!"

The children whined, "But we are hungryyyyy" he had to see how they munched on his feathers, "Fine, let's get something."

"Yay!" Aoba had to be quick, since they seem to be faster than him. The bunch of little eagles headed into he nearest café, sitting down and slammed the forks on the table, "We are hungry, we are hungry; we are hungry!!!!!!!" Embarrassed he asked the waitress to make something quick, so they would shut up. The children didn't make it any easier for this eagle to like them, considering I told them to make his day a living hell. On the playground was it even worse, making a mess that they all needed a bath later that day. At home, he ended up to be soaked in soap and water, while the little devils were running around the house, making the couch and cushions wet. Since two of the six eagles are still very young ones, he needed to change the nappy too.

That really took the last bit of his strength.

Ding Dong!

"Not now" he whined, dragging himself to the door. On the other side was I, smiling innocent, "Goodness, what happened to you?"

"Babysitting, that is what happened to me!" He allowed me to come inside. Unlike changing the children in their bedroom, I found the little ones under the extractor hood in the kitchen, "What are they here?"

Aoba pressed onto his beak, "Can't you smell's like rotten curry."

"Yeah like you smelled any better as a kid" I giggled.

"N/A?" I knew what he wanted to ask, can you change their diapers please?

"Show me how to change them?"

Impressive, I didn't expect to hear that from Aoba. I gave him one child and I took the other, simply copying my every move. The young eagle wasn't comfortable with this, but didn't complain either. Next was to feed them all for dinner. Even this I helped him out by just let him follow my instructions, word by word. While he was busy taking his time to make the meals, I gave the kids a wink...getting one in return. They knew what I wanted and so did the bunch of smiling eagles.

Aoba's last job for today; he had to read them a bedtime story...which he had to make up by himself.

Once everyone was tucked in and sleeps peacefully, he closed the door of the bedroom, "Thank you N/A for your help."

I smiled wide, crossing my arms before my chest, "Well you know the basics now, so tomorrow should be a lot easier for you."

"Wait, I have them tomorrow as well?!"

I showed him the calendar, pushing my finger from the beginning of the holidays till the very end, "Not only then, you have the little ones till here."

"What?!" Aoba whined loud, "They can't be serious!"

Oh yes they were.

I refused to help him for the next two weeks. On the third one, I came over, only to be surprised. He looked awful, "Wow, you look horrible."

"Thank you" he said sarcastically, "Why didn't you answer your phone? I left over fifty messages on your mailbox." I shrugged, "Don't know, I have a look when I go back. So, how are the sweet little children?"

"Sweet..." he spat, " mean those monsters." They plucked all his feathers out from his legs, the wonderful color of them also faded to a dark grey and he had rings under his eyes, "I didn't know that children can be such a handful." I assured him that it is different from every parent out there, he is no exception. At least it got him to understand why his father was trying to gain out of this. He couldn't do this till the end of the summer holidays. Taking my advice, he had a talk with his father. It isn't all to often that he can get a chance to see his dad that much, since he is a busy male and is hardly at home. It turned out that this wasn't always the case. His father had to start at zero before he had his own company, for that he had to take on jobs of all kind. Aoba never thought that his old man took on babysitting jobs for single females...unaware that he also met his mother that way. He did that at the same age as Aoba is now, taking care of more children than he had and even loved it. Now it was back to the old roots, that his wife it taking care of the children, but he would never say that it is only a women's job. His father looked rather sad at his son, "You know what I really regret?"


"I have seen loads of children grow up....except my very own. If I could turn back the time...I would have..." he couldn't finish his sentence, which is rare for his dad.

The young eagle couldn't sleep that night. He always looked up to his father to be a proud bold eagle, someone that would never regret anything. After that day, Aoba change his mind completely. He apologized to his mother and offered to even babysit the devils on the weekends. For this, he had the rest of the summer holidays to himself.

That is if he wanted to spend them all alone.

It came as a surprise to me, as this very young eagle knocked on my door. Seeing Aoba wasn't the surprised, but with a bunch of roses in his hands, that part defiantly was out of character.

"Hey N/A, would you like to go out?"

"Sure..." I said, taking the flowers, "With you or alone?"

His beak got a little red, "Ehm...with me?"

"Awwww...I love to"

Everyone we took care of the kids and he came over with roses, we started dating. Although we don't go to the same school, we seen each other on the weekends when he didn't babysit at the moment or we just planned a family day with the children. Aoba realized what his father was trying to tell him, as he cannot remember a single day he went out with him to the park or the playground. When he starts his own family, he wanted to spend time with his kids.

He smiled over to me, while I made small sand castles with the children.

Aoba was hoping that when he is done with school and gets a good job...are we still a couple? Because...he already loved the idea to have me more than just as his girlfriend....let's see what the future brings.

One day he even came over and spoke about a little chicken he raised with his two other males from the drama club, just like a proud daddy.

Beastars One shot (request closed)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें