Getting Attention (Legoshi x reader) part 1

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Some would say I am a lucky girl, others may say I am unlucky.

But what is the truth?

I tell is both. For years now, I had the best grades in my class and have a good hand for money. The only downside to this is one thing...I am terrible in flirting. As a student at the Cherryton Academy, I had hoped that my chances of getting a boyfriend would be higher. Maybe it is my own fault, maybe I pick the wrong guys. Back in my old school, I tried to seduce a male fox with a straw...until it went too far into my mouth and made me cough like crazy. The same goes for a leopard...and a bagel, a dog...and tofu, till I made a memo to myself: never flirt with food...bad idea!

My only friend, an arctic fox, moved with me to another school.

She didn't want to leave me alone, sine someone has to get me out of this mess. When it comes to boys, I was hopeless. My friend tired to cheer me up, saying that a dwarf rabbit kept sleeping around with all kinds of animal males. I gave her one look that said: How is that cheering me up? I wonder though, how is she doing that? She must be a master in seduction...or just extremely cute. I don't blame her, bunnies are just gorgeous herbivores.

But that won't stop me from getting a boyfriend.

There has to be someone in this school that will be interested. As it happens, my eyes feel on a large grey wolf. I met him in the corridors, as he was talking to a golden retriever. Just to hear him talk made my knees go weak. It is decided...I had my new target!

In class, my seat was just two rows behind him.

He sat next to a hen, the only two in the row. My friend sat beside me, following my gaze, as it was fixed to the back of the male wolf's head. She advised me to make him take notice of me, by throwing something at him. I looked at the supplies at hand. Ripping off paper was the best option, but aiming might have been a good idea. Most of the rolled up balls had hit the hen, making her angry. I amount of paper has run short after the tenth page, "hey, what shall I do now?" The female arctic fox pointed at my eraser. It was small and a little heavy...this might work...okay...focus...aim...and...

At that moment, Legoshi asked the hen for an eraser...not expecting to find one lying next to his right hand. Although it wasn't his, he shrugged and used it anyway. Taking notes was more important than looking from where it came from.

I was devastated, "And now?"

She sighted, "Try it another time."

"But what if I don't have another try?"

"Then well...he is not worth it."


Legoshi didn't know what hit the object got his head. Irritated, he turned around to look what it was...and who it was. Afraid, I hid under the table with my friend. She was shocked herself, "Was that really necessary?"

"I panicked!"

"That doesn't mean to throw your pencil case at him"

A little happy, I showed her my pen and pencils, "Don't worry, I took them out first."

"Yay; lucky you."

"Um...excuse me?" the sound of someone close made me hit my head under the table. Above it was Legoshi, holding my pencil case, " that yours?" Not a sign of anger in his tone or expression, just pure confusion. I took it off him slowly, apologizing that it hit his head. Curious, he asked of how it came all the way to his row. At this point, I wanted to knock him out. My friend however, knew what to say in such situations, "She got furious at what the teacher said. She lost a point at this question in her last exam; she couldn't help herself to throw her pencil case around."

The hen interrupted the conversation, "And the papers?"

The arctic fox shrugged, "The exam was extremely difficult."

Not to get my friend deeper into my mess, we left the minute the bell rang. Legoshi finds it odd, but went back to his seat. His hunger was bigger, especially when it comes to his favorite food...egg sandwich. It didn't take long, till Jack; the gold retriever came over, "What was that just now?"

"Ah, she was angry at something and threw a pencil case around" The hen added, "And papers." The evidence was still lying on the ground. Jack raised a brow, "She didn't look angry at all."


The dog assured him, that he saw me throwing the papers, as well as the pencil case. Unlike the last one, I didn't show a sign of anger, "With the case, she seems to be panicking." Legoshi believed my friend, that it was just the nerves, but Jack didn't, "No one who is angry would empty his pencil case first."

"I guess it was just an accident" Legoshi left the two for a minute to put the rubbish in the bin.

The hen however thought otherwise, looking at the papers, "...are you sure about this?" Jack got curious, as she showed him the notes. I wrote on every one of them: What is your name? Are you single? You are cute! And many other questions and comments.

Once his tall friend returned, Jack smiled wide, while his tail began to wiggle, "So, are you going to talk to her?"


His dog friend needed a reason for Legoshi to talk to me again, "Because, because...she needs her eraser back"

Legoshi was puzzled, "Eraser?" Going through his own pencil case, he found the item. It was the one he found, just out of the blue, next to him, "So she threw that too?"

"The least you can do is give it back to her"

The male wolf didn't know how, "but I don't even know who she is."

Jack however, knew exactly who I am...since I threw it over, "Oh, you got her name alright." That damn eraser!

The next few days, I changed the classes with another student. My friend scolded me for my stupid idea to write something on the papers or even throwing stuff with my name on. I thought of all my pens and pencils...but not the freaking eraser.

Meanwhile Legoshi was in class, looking over to the row I normally sit in. As the lesson was about to start he sighted, while fiddling with the eraser of mine. This innocent wolf just wanted to give it back.

Beastars One shot (request closed)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora