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"Mommy's here my little pumpkin."

"Mommy's here, everything is okay. I won't leave you."

"Mommy." The little boy called out, as he tried to wake up his father.

His mother sat behind him, saying the same sentence over and over again.

"Mommy's here little pumpkin.."

"Mommy ?"

"I am here, I won't leave you."

"Mommy.. dad's not waking up !"

"I won't leave you, pumpkin."

"Mom !" Khaotung screamed as he woke up.

He stared at the ceiling, trying to catch his breath.

He sat up and turned on the little light on his bedsidetable before he tried to grab his water that he knew would stand next to his bed.

"Are you alright?" Some girl, that he couldn't even remember bringing home, asked.

>>What was her name ? Candy ? Mandy ?..<<

He just got up, grabbed his cigarettes and walked over to his balcony.

"Hey, what's wrong Khaotung ?"
She asked and wrapped her arms around his waist, making him tense up instantly.

Khaotung hated nothing more than being touched by strangers..

Ironic, given the fact that they slept with each other not even two hours ago.

"You should go back to sleep." He said and slightly pushed her away.

"Why ? Don't you want some more?"

The boy chuckled.

"I have to go to university tomorrow. You have to leave early, so you should get a few more hours."

The girl huffed.

"Fucking asshole." She said and turned around to go back inside.

"You're lucky that I have a thing for asshole's like you." She said smiling.

>>You're lucky that your friend left with Chen, otherwise you wouldn't be the one here right now..<< he thought.

The arrogant boy smoked two more cigarettes before he walked back inside, stopping in his tracks, his eyes wide open.

"What the fuck are you doing ?"

"Why do you still have those old newspapers ? 2006 was seventeen years ago."

"Drop that, right now." He said and walked over to her, pushed her aside and threw all the stuff that girl was snooping through, back inside the box.

"Chill Khaotung.."

"No, you - leave. Right now !" He said angry.

"What the fuck were thinking? Snooping around my stuff ? Are you crazy ?!"

"You should sort out your priorities and call me back." She said and put on her shoes before she left, slamming the door.

"You crazy, fucking bitch." Khaotung repeated over and over again as he looked down onto the picture in his hands.


The young boy tried his best to calm his fast beating heart.
He's been trying to avoid looking at the stuff inside this blue box.

He knew it was there for the day that he would be ready, but he just wasn't ready to look at all the lies the newspaper told the world about his parents.

The whole town he grew up in talked about the shit that he's been through as if they went through it themselves.

Nobody was listening to the little kid he was back then, but everybody thought they knew what's best for him.

Khaotung knew that nobody actually cared for him, they just didn't wanted to have to deal with the kid of two addicts.

Khao put the picture away and walked over to his kitchen to grab himself a glass of Whiskey.

He took a sip of it and stared at the ceiling.

>>When will it get better ?<< he thought and lit up another cigarette.

"It won't get better.." He told himself.



Hello guys and merry christmas :)

I know, I know.. it's not actually christmas yet, but like I said - this is my present for y'all.

I hope you're ready for a lot of drama, cute shit and most important KhaoFirst (or FirstKhao if you like it that way haha !)

This story will have some slow updates but I try to at least post once a week. (I'll try my best but I can't promise 🙏🏻)


I hope y'all are as excited as I am :)

See you in the next chapter !


I'ma give you the world. -KhaoFirstWhere stories live. Discover now