Chapter 25

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Bella stood and stretched, her ass hurt, her back hurt and her hands were stiff. Despite this she felt alive again. The wind whipping across her face, the roar of the bikes, the freedom of the open road. It all served to rejuvenate her from the last few days. Any cobwebs she had were now gone. It felt amazing. 

"All good Spitfire?" Happy asked as he climbed off the bike he had parked up next to hers at the gas station. 

When it came to him, right now, her head was in a bit of a mess. 

She loved him beyond reason, beyond sanity even. She could accept all the sides of him, she knew that. But the fact he'd just cut off contact with her because he was scared had hurt her. Deeply. He'd explained himself, he'd apologised, he had damn good reasons. But she was still a bit hurt. Plus she was sure there was more going on that she didn't know about yet. Whether he wasn't telling her because of this ride out to Forks, or because he didn't want to she didn't know. And what's more, two weeks ago she would have said with certainty that it was so he didn't put more pressure on her. Now she wasn't so sure. 

That morning before they rolled out, Happy had spent an hour or so talking to Clay and her dad, then Jax had been called in. It could have been club business, which she wasn't allowed to know yet, but she didn't think so for some reason. She hoped he told her after this. 

"Mmm… yeah, just a little sore." 

Happy smirked a little and started rubbing her shoulders. She bit back a moan, it felt amazing. She wondered if he could do that while they made love. Probably not. He was a bit rougher than that and she thought she might get bored if it wasn't rough and hard like they usually went. 

"Oi! You two! Cut it out. Gas up and get whatever shit you need. We need to be back on the road in five!" Bobby yelled out, ending the moment they were having. 

Bella sighed as Happy stepped away after placing a kiss on her hair and sauntered into the gas station. 

"You good?" Her dad was by her now, they hadn't spoken yet. They'd been too busy and he hadn't been able to look at her, she guessed it was because of the purpling bruise on her face. She didn't blame him, she was the one who got in the middle of a full on fight between the two men she loved and the one who hadn't been quick enough to dodge. She'd had worse at kickboxing practice anyway.

"Yeah, bit sore, not used to these long rides. But I'm okay," Bella answered honestly, she was okay for gas but was gonna need to pick up something to drink. They'd been on the road for three hours now. They had about eleven to go. Maybe a bit less. 

"Bells about last night-"

She cut him off. She didn't want or need to hear it. "Forgotten, seriously dad, it's fine. C'mon, I need coffee." 

Bella took the lead as her dad followed her into the gas station. Tig, Chibs, Bobby, Happy, Half-Sac and Jax were already in and the man behind the counter looked nervous. She couldn't blame him, a couple of years previous and she would have been nervous. Now she just felt a sense of belonging and peace with these rough men. 

"Yo Princess! Make me a coffee!" 

She also felt demeaned and like a slave at times, but in less than a year that would pass. 

"Juicy boy! Finally joinin' us, ya can make me a coffee too. Ya know how I like it!" 

"Fuck you Chibs! Get your own damn coffee or have a prospect make it!" 

Or at least she hoped it would pass, Juice was still treated like that a lot of the time. She felt bad for him. 

"You better make it black for me Bells, Lyla had me up all night," Juice sent her a wink with a boyish smile. And then sometimes she didn't feel bad for him at all. 

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