Chapter 17

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Monday morning came around much too early for Bella, she was still exhausted from the day before. Happy had been insatiable and she had loved every second of it. However by the ringing of her phone she guessed that the small honeymoon period they’d spent in bed was coming to an end. 

“Yeah?” She answered her phone with her back to Happy, hoping she didn’t wake him. Tiredly she listened as Gemma spoke on the other end. “Yeah, of course, no problem. I’ll be there.”

“What was that?” Happy asked in his deep voice as she hung up. 

“My morning off is now a morning in. Lowell isn’t coming in,” Bella said, stretching her arms up and glancing at her alarm clock, she had an hour before she had to be in. Plenty of time for a shower and some decent breakfast before she had to leave. She turned and placed a kiss on his lips with a smile. “Morning, sorry I woke you.”

“S’all good Girly. Might as well come in with ya. Wanna speak to Clay,” Happy shrugged a muscled arm pillowing his head. He looked so sexy and dangerous and just delicious. She had no idea how she had gotten so lucky with him. He was nothing like her ex, he was truthful to the point of bluntness, didn’t want to change her, actually liked who she was and how she dressed. Happy was hard edges and rough, but he was also sweet and kind and gentle, yeah she was really lucky and she knew it. “What?” He asked, his eyes focused on her face.

“Just thinking how lucky I am,” Bella admitted feeling a small blush cross her cheeks. 

“Don’t cha forget it,” he chuckled, wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her over to him. She giggled as she landed pretty much on top of him. His lips attacking her neck and his fingers tracing patterns over her hips. 

“If you start this now, I’m going to be late. And I need to shower,” Bella laughed as he huffed playfully and smacked her ass. 

“Fine, but I’m going in the shower too,” he smirked at her getting up and lifting her with him. 

Bella couldn’t remember ever having a better morning. They showered together, her shrieking as he carried her into the water that hadn’t warmed up yet and him laughing his ass off at her as she slid into him as she tried to pull away. They made breakfast together and she threw some blueberries from her pancakes up for him to catch in his mouth. A skill he had told her he had a while back. She did the dishes as he went to get dressed and then he made coffee to go while she was getting ready. It was a perfect morning, blissful, fun, playful. One of those memories that you never wanted to forget for when things went wrong as they undoubtedly would at some point. 

They rode to the garage together, her on her dirt bike and him on his Harley. Happy insisted once again that she wore his helmet, not budging at all when she’d tried to argue with him. 

Piney, Jax, Tig and Opie were all sat around the picnic benches as they arrived and Bella gave a wave to them. 

Happy waited for her by his bike and pressed a kiss to her head as she went to start work, four hours early. 

"Hey!" Happy yelled at her across the lot as she went to open up the office. "You're a crazy bitch!" She could see even from far away that his eyes glittered with amusement and it took her a moment to get what he was doing. 

"You're poison!" Bella yelled back before walking into the office with a grin. 

"Not sure if they're fighting or if that's Happy's twisted version of foreplay," Jax chuckled as Happy walked into the clubhouse and Bella went into the office. 

"That's definitely foreplay brother, Happy looked like he was about to smile and everything," Tig grinned. 

Bella had been working for an hour when her dad came over and sat in her bay. 

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