Chapter 4

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Bella stood in her new house unable to believe it. It was a small two bedroom, pretty little house with one and a half baths, kitchen, dining room and lounge, as well as a small yard. It was already furnished and decorated beautifully and apparently it wasn't far from her new place of work. 

"It's beautiful," Bella said sincerely while running her hand over the small dining table, the room itself a very pale blue. It was light and airy and she would get plenty of sun. "Erm… how much is the rent?" She didn't know how much her new job would be paying, not a lot seeing as she was still learning she guessed. And although she had the money from the house soon and the small payment from the Forks police department, as well as a mediocre amount from Charlie's life insurance she knew she was going to have to live carefully. 

"This month and next month are sorted, then you'll have the money from the house, so you shouldn't be worrying. If you do though, call," Quinn said as though it was no big deal. 

"I… I can't accept this! I've got some savings, let me pay you back," Bella inisited. She had spent the last three days with Georgia and Quinn. It had been wonderful and made Bella even angrier with Renee. They were both so kind and interested in her, they wanted to know about her, about her hobbies, her life, her friends, everything. She could have had two people who really cared all these years. Two people who may have made sure she actually had a childhood. Still, at least she had them now, she guessed. 

"Nope. It's done, sorted. Take it as part payment for eighteen years worth of missed christmas presents," Georgia said with a wave of her manicured hand. "We won't take a penny." 

"I don't know what to say," Bella said with a lump in her throat that she tried to swallow down. It really was beautiful and decorated like the person who did it knew exactly what she liked. She suddenly realised that Georgia's questions about her favourite colours may not have been so random. That made the lump in her throat worse. Instead of saying anything she gave Georgia and then Quinn big hugs that she hoped said more than she could verbally. 

"Come on, let's get your boxes in then we'll go show you Teller-Morrow's. Clay says you can start tomorrow morning, might be best to introduce you before," Quinn said exiting out of the freshly painted white door. "Gonna have to get you some food in too I guess." 

The newly found, small and unconventional family spent the next hour or two just putting Bella's belongings where she thought they should go. Quinn and Georgia would be staying with her to help settle in for a week but Quinn had said he really couldn't stay much longer than that. He had promised however that they would return frequently and that they were only a phone call away for anything at all. 

Bella rode in Georgia's SUV to the garage, they followed Quinn, who of course was on his Harley. It was only a five minute drive before they were pulling into a large forecourt of the garage. Bella noticed the clubhouse attached and wondered how that would work out. 

"Nervous?" Georgia asked with a knowing smile as Bella took a deep breath. 

"A little," Bella admitted. This wouldn't be her first job, but it would be in the career she wanted. She didn't want to mess up. 

"You just be yourself now hon, you'll do fine. And don't you let any of these boys give ya any shit, okay? Lord knows they'll try," Georgia grinned before opening her door and stepping out onto the forecourt where some men and a woman were waiting. 

For a brief moment, Bella wished Happy was by her side again while doing this. Which was ridiculous, she hadn't even seen him after their drive. She didn't know if he had still been in Tacoma or if he had gone somewhere else, he hadn't said so much as see ya though. Much to her bitter disappointment. She felt like a stupid kid with a stupid crush that Happy must have picked up on. He probably laughed to himself about it. Or smirked anyway, she couldn't see him laughing to himself somehow. 

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