Prologue: Avenging Okha

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Sea of Saumack/Okhotsk, Ashait/New Canteria.


Half of the second great fleet explodes into a flurry of dead bodies, wood and iron. Yuhan falls back as she stares in horror. Hundreds of bodies surface from the water as many more never return to the surface. One of the bodies that return to the surface is the captain of the second fleet. "Oh my god. RETREAT!" The third fleet in its entirety turns a 180 and tries to head back. However the fifth fleet stops them.

"YUHAN! YOUR COWARDICE WONT GO UNPUNISHED. TURN AROUND OR WE'LL SHOOT!" The captain of the fifth fleet says. He grabs a rifled musket from one of his crew and aims it at Yuhan. She was about to be shot until the captain of the fifth fleet and his crew nearby get turned into remains as a CG1946 space fighter fires its gatling guns at the crew. Yuhan stares up at the Arnket class airships. "Thank you. Grey gods." Now it was just a race to the sea gate as multiple ships loyal to the empire fired at them.

Yuhan grabs a funnel that connected to the bottom of the flagship. "Activate the wind magic accelerators!" As soon as the command was given the flagship moved twice as fast. But luck would prove the misfortune of the fleet once again as a cannonball hit one of the accelerators. Furthermore the hole caused by the cannonball was under sea level causing the ship to flood.

"OH SHIT! CAPTAIN, THEY HIT ONE OF THE ACCELERATORS!" A crew member said while yelling into another funnel that connected to the command bridge. "PUT TWO TIMES MAGIC POWER ON THE OTHER ACCELERATOR THEN! WE'RE GOING ALL IN!" Two times the magical power is put on said accelerator but it makes a sound that signifies its time is now limited. "CAPTAIN, IT WONT HOLD!"

Yuhan slams into a table with the determination to get the fuck out. "I. DONT. CARE. IF WE DON'T GET OUTTA HERE THEN EVERYONE IS GOING TO DIE! 2.5 TIMES POWER!" The crew member recoils in shock. "You're insane... Just the kind of captain i need. No wonder why we persisted through all of those storms." The magic accelerator pushes past 2.5 times power and reaches 3 times power. The flagship is now faster than any military based ship to ever exist in Ashait and is dodging the cannonballs by meters.

A leader of a group of CG1946s goes on the radio. "Heh. Glad those ships retreated. If they were on the republican side then they would've been massacred. No doubt about it." The rest of the pilot's laugh with him as the pilot is none other than Ivan Nile, a man who has served since he was 18. "Well no matter. Gentlemen, lets finish what they have started, war." "Yes sir!" The group splits into four groups of three as they head for their targets.

The first and second group head for the sixth and fourth fleet and fire all of their gatling guns. The several musket balls that were sent their way turned into flat pieces of metal as they couldn't pierce the windows and mainframe of the planes. But eventually somebody got a hit using the sword-gun weapons that the frontline troops used. The wing of a CG1946 exploded by the magic power of said weapon, causing the plane to go down.

The unlucky pilot sighed. "天皇陛下万歳! (LONG LIVE THE EMPEROR!)" The pilot made a straight dive towards the person who incapacitated his plane causing the plane and the entire ship to explode into a million pieces after impact. Nobody survived. "Didn't know he was Japanese. But i guess it doesn't matter now, he's dead to be blunt." The planes continued to destroy the two fleets.

"Those men in those metal wyverns are psychotic! One of them literally dived towards one of the ships after yelling some kind of explosion curse!" A crew member says in shock of the situation. He was holding a musket in his hand when a plane flew by him. Time seemingly stopped while the crew member tried to bring out his musket into a firing position in time. The pilot looked at him with the blankest expression in the world and then... saluted? Time seemingly resumed as the plane was far away now.

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