1: The purple hand

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I woke up to my alarm going off.

'Do I really have to do this?' I thought to myself.

I got ready for school as I got my lunch from the kitchen table and told my mom I was heading off to school.

I was walking to the sidewalk in peace until I saw Jotaro and those freaking loud girls arguing in front of me. God I hate them.

"Move bitch" I told one of them as I slightly pushed her shoulder.

"Who do you think you are?" The one with the weird hair said. I ignored her.

"Hey" I said to Jotaro. "Did you finally agree to leave those cells?" I asked him. He let out a sigh. "My old man's friend got me out, but why do you care?"

"I care about you asshole"

"Tch, you're lucky I'm friends with you because my old man likes you." He said. "Yeah right"

~Time Skip~

We finally entered the school gates and we were at the top of the stairs when Jotaro tripped. Or atleast it looked like it.

A purple hand appeared and grabbed a branch from the tree and landed, I assumed, safely on the ground.


"Jojo, are you ok?"
"Omg, jojo let me help you"

"Shut it" I told them.

"Are you ok?" I asked him but then I saw his bleeding leg. "Oh boy, this looks bad."

Just then a boy our age, with dark red hair and a unique hairstyle came to us.

"Your leg seems to be bleeding. Take this and clean your self up. Will you be ok?" He asked

"Yes, it's not that deep anyway." Jotaro said.

As the boy was about to leave Jotaro stopped him. "Hang on" "I forgot to say thanks" He said. "Are you new here?"

"Yes, I just got here, my name is Kakyoin Noriaki" He said and left.

"Kakyoin, huh"

"He's pretty cute"

"I agree"

These bitches can't just let a boy rest huh?

"Come on jojo, I'm pretty sure you want to have a visit to the nurse." I said.

As we were walking there I remembered the purple hand.

"Also, when were you going to tell me that you got a stand?" I asked him.

"You mean the evil spirit?" After he said that I began laughing almost peeing myself. Jotaro, seemed confused.

"E- evil spirit? You must be joking!!!" I said.

"Yare yare, shut up"

We arrived at the doctor's office and I left Jotaro alone and went to pee.

~Time Skip~

Man that had to be the longest pee I have taken in my life.

I went back to the nurse's office to check on Jotaro, but instead I saw a much terrifying scene.

The nurse was laying on the ground with a pool of her own blood and that Kakyoin guy with Jotaro. We're they fighting? Is he a stand user too?


"Oh, well look at this, a lady! I guess you're Jotaro's friend aren't you?"

"Why would I tell you?" Just then something hit my head.

Everything was blurry. And that's the last thing I remember.

Jotaro's POV:

I knocked that bastard Kakyoin off and placed him over my shoulder. I took a look back and I saw Y/n.

'Darn, I can't just let her there' I thought.

I placed her over my shoulder too. She was pretty light so it didn't bother me.

I arrived home and I heard my mom talking to herself about me thinking about her at school and stuff.

"No, I'm not." I said.

"Jotaro? Why are you home so early? And who is this? Oh my lord! Is this Y/n? Is she hurt?" She asked me a bunch if questions it became annoying.

"Shut up, where's the old man?"

"Okey! He's in the tea room." She said.

"You don't look so well today, are you ok?" I asked her

"I'm ok! Thank you!"


Word count:670

Updated: 29/3/2023
Next update: 29/3/2023

A "Fun" Trip *Jotaro x Fem!Reader*Where stories live. Discover now