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Luke and Sierra were at court by 9:15am, which was far earlier than they needed to be, Sierra's paperwork said 9:30. Crystal assured her it was 10, and they just put an earlier time on the paperwork because people are late. Luke was far too keen to not seize the opportunity. He was wearing a purple suit he bought for the occasion, though he has always been generous when deciding what is an occasion worthy of new clothes. He picked Sierra up before 9am, to drive into the middle of the city bright and early.
"This is appalling, why aren't they here yet? They know the paperwork said 9:30," Luke gripes.
"For the millionth time, Crystal insisted that court doesn't actually start before 10." Sierra rolls her eyes and then turns to Luke with an incredulous look on her face, "how can you call her appalling, she was literally your lawyer last year?"
"I didn't choose her," Luke protests indignantly.
"Are you saying you wouldn't have?" Sierra asks in disbelief.
"I don't know. I'm saying that you can't say I asked for that and encouraged it. Besides, she had two opportunities to win and didn't win either time," he huffs.
"Luke—" Sierra starts, cutting herself off when Luke sends her an icy glare. She's not exactly sure what to respond to that.

"Luke," she goes on more softly.
"What?" he mumbles.
"I didn't realise you held that against her. I don't feel like I would, but also I can't imagine what your pain was like during that time, so I won't tell you how to feel. That's not my place. I appreciate you being here for emotional support, but if you're not comfortable you don't have to be. Promise."
"I don't know if I hold it against her, I haven't thought of it. But I think just her, and being here, that combination, is messing with my head," he replies frustratedly.
"As I said, you're more than welcome to leave," Sierra reassures him.
"No..." Luke says slowly, thinking it over in his head, "I shouldn't. Besides, she's the soulmate of my two best friends. I'll definitely be seeing more of her."
"And that's so weird in itself that Kaitlin and I are even matched, let alone with Crystal as well," she hums.

"Sierra, Luke, lovely to see you," Crystal smiles, walking to where the two friends were sitting on a bench. Sierra is grateful, for the sake of Luke's sanity, that she arrived only a few minutes after 9:30.
"Good morning," Sierra says politely, standing up and closing the distance between her and her dom. Crystal and Sierra exchange a light hug, kiss on the cheek and quiet words. Luke watches the interaction, and way Sierra changed, with interest. Sierra's mannerisms, which aren't even much different to normal, suddenly seem different from this perspective. She seems softer and more forgiving.
"Archie, this is one of my soulmate's, Sierra, and this is her best friend Luke," Crystal introduces.
"Nice to meet you," Archie smiles, offering a small nod.
"You look exceptionally qualified to represent me," Sierra quips as they start walking inside.
"I haven't done anything yet, but thank you," Archie chuckles. "We're in courtroom eight, I'll go check in and you can have start heading over there."

Crystal leads the way to the correct part of the building, even if she hadn't walked around the rooms that heard criminal cases in a while. Sierra was increasingly nervous and barely thinking it through when she reaches out to hold Crystal's hand. Crystal doesn't say anything, smiling without turning her head and giving her soulmate a reassuring squeeze. Luke stares in awe. He feels very neglected as a third wheel; but Sierra and Crystal look so content with each other, even if a little awkward, that it doesn't bother him even a fraction of what it usually would.

"So Luke what have you been up to? It's been a while," Crystal hums as the three of them sit down to wait for Archie. Her tone sounds a touch too fake to comfort anyone.
"Avery Violet Clifford was born in May, in July Michael proposed the day I turned 18, we lodged our contract about twenty minutes after I got my pairing papers. I went back to school in September, doing my final year of the International Baccalaureate diploma. I graduate next May. That's about it," Luke summarises, voice flat and emotionless.
"Lots been happening but it all seems well, congratulations," Crystal replies curtly.

"Sierra should be called soon. I'm going to wait in court, because I can't make myself stay away," Archie chuckles amusedly.
"I'll join, criminal matters are interesting even if I have no desire to practice them," Crystal comments, standing up and picking up her bag.
"I don't want to, I think it'll be overwhelming," Sierra interjects.
"That's alright, you and Luke can come in when your matter is called. It'll come through the speaker," Crystal says reassuringly.

"The tension between you and Crystal makes me want to throw up," Sierra says flatly as soon as Crystal and Archie are out of hearing distance.
"I have no idea what you mean," Luke rolls his eyes.
"You give her the personalised answers you'd give to a great aunt you haven't seen in a decade."
"That's quite a creative analogy, but I don't know why I'm being attacked. She's talking to me like I'm a rock," Luke says defensively.
"I never said she wasn't. You're as bad as each other. It's infuriating. I'm already dreading the first time all three of us see you and Michael. Kaitlin will hate it if you and Crystal don't pull your heads out of your asses," Sierra gripes.
"I'll do it for Kaykay then," Luke says petulantly, making Sierra roll her eyes.

The court matter only takes a few minutes. It happens so fast, Sierra barely has time to blink. Archie is completely un-phased, approaching the bar table with unabashed confidence to explain exactly why Sierra needed to walk away as if this never happened. She even tacked on a submission about how placing Sierra on bail was a misuse of police resources. Sierra's eyes nearly fell out of her head, Luke was completely engrossed and Crystal seemed entertained.

Sierra – Kaitlin: My court matter is dealt with, it's all resolved. No record, no charges.

Kaitlin – Sierra: That's wonderful :)

Archie and Crystal bid farewell once court is done, heading back to their office to complete the rest of the day's work. Crystal and Sierra part with a kiss on the cheek, as formal as the one they greeted each other with.
"I can't believe you had the audacity to complain about me when you and Crystal seem to think you're business partners," Luke says incredulously when he and Sierra are walking back to his car.
"We do not," Sierra scoffs.
"You gave each other kisses on the cheek like you had to be paid for it," Luke counters flatly.
"It's just called taking things slow," Sierra mutters, "but I know you're not familiar with that concept."
"You know, with each passing minute I see exactly that you, Crystal and Kaykay are absolutely perfect for each other. I had a few doubts at the start, I'll be honest, but you three are kind of all the same person with a different hobby and it terrifies me," Luke decides.
"Not sure what you mean by 'at the start', given it's been less than a week, but I'm honoured that I scare you."

A/N: hello! Thank you for all the love on my return last week it feels so good to be back and I hope you're all enjoying it.

Unfortunately, there will not be an update next week. I am putting it in my calendar RIGHT NOW to update the Friday after, on 28/10.

Much love always oh damn I just remembered we get Midnights next Friday THATS NOT WHY IM NOT UPDATING LMAO

–Grace Williams xo

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