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Ahhhhh!!! It's happening!!! Repose is coming!!! The first chapter will be posted Christmas Day!!!

I've restarted writing this four times but I'm at 30,000 words for the latest version that I started over a year ago (which yes is slow writing but not the point). I don't know how regular updates will be but envision at least one a week, though they will undoubtedly become more regular as more is written.

I'm putting this part up to a) get you excited b) give you some PSA's. Some of these things came up/changed as I was writing Repose, and some when I was editing Ease. Still working on that lol.

First and foremost, the DFD is now called DIR—Department of Interpersonal Relations. Wanted it to have a more realistic name than fate and destiny.

Second; I've changed the names of Ashton's family. I don't know if these will come up and I haven't changed it on any published version yet but his mother is Anissa, his sister is Olivia and his brother is Jack.

Last point, I know I stressed everyone's brain cells with Luke's parents and the idea that the submissive is always the mother and the dominant is always the father—irrespective of gender—but you can ignore that. Mother is for woman parents and father is for man parents. Normal to have two mothers or two fathers. The submissive is still always the one to give birth and can also be referred to as the birth parent, but if it's a man then it's a father. Hope this makes sense but knowing me it probably doesn't.

I'm so excited for you all to read this, the idea of which has been in my head over two years—which is I think why I keep putting so much pressure on it.

Thanks for sticking with me, I love you all so much. See you tomorrow with the first part.

–Grace Williams xo

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