Kuroko no mermaid

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Author note : more disney era bois

<Nay Nay's P.O.V.>

Akashi was a merman , a prince as well in fact

He did however , start having a "rebelious" faze

He didn't want to get the throne just by pure luck of being born by the king


He wanted to earn it by becoming a LEGEND in the waters he lived in

And how would he do that you may ask?




He was gonna do it

But first he needed a human obviously as they dont live in the sea

He honestly didn't care about what kind of human he will marry as long as he would do something that will forever be known to everyone in the sea and become quite the celebrity- but like one of the weird ones that do have lots of fans they just do stuff others wouldnt

How he would get on land without suffocating from the loss of salt water?

He would get the help from his most trusted friend


Midorima was a sea witch , he knew how to brew potions and tell the future only by looking at the stars

He also had a pet named Takao who was an electric eel that usually helped him get stuff from the outside as Midorima's tentacles weren't THAT big to get them himself + he didn't have the time

Akashi barged in like he usually does and asks for a potion that will let him grow legs for a week as he knew he was so striking it wouldn't be long until he would get a fiance

Midorima was suspicious , he didn't know what Akashi was planning but he complied as he knew what the later was capable of

Akashi got a potion , that tasted like raw clams and something that may be from the land but it still tasted weird (it was 4 different kinds of shampoo , for obv reasons)

Midorima DID tell him before hand to be at the surface when drinking the potion but Akashi liked making things harder for himself so he just decided to drink it in the water and make a swim for it

Once up he went to a nearby village that seemed pretty cozy

You may be asking how Akashi can walk without training? Well it isn't the first time he has done it , but before he did it for other reasons that wes just him being curious

At the same time you must be thinking how he went naked in the village right? Well he just stole a fishermans clothes just bc

In the village he went around catching eyes of both men and women some beacause of his handsome face and confident walk but also beacause of jelousy

All the walking lasted untill night time so he decided to go get a drink at the local tavern

He gets to drinking beer at the bar counter

And oh boy does he find a interesting person that served him his drinks.

He learned after some chatting that his name was Kuroko Tetsuya

Quite the fitting name in his opinion

Kuroko Tetsuya was more on the lanky side but still had a bit of muscle , he was short and had sickly skin that clashed with his deep bored blue eyes and his light teal hair that was verry messy

He was well kept and was wearing what would be considered a bit better quality clothes than some of the people drinking at the tavern

He spoke in a monotone voice and was blunt and open about what he thought

Akashi thought that he was the one as there aren't quite as many people like him out there

Akashi went the remaining 5 days to the tavern just to talk to Kuroko and get to know him better before asking him out on the last day of the week

Akashi thought everything was going great

He got the beach looking all nice and stuff for his date and proposal but when he actually proposed he was met with the surprisingly amused stare of the bartender

-We have only known eachother for a few days , you will have to wait a little longer and try harder next time you try proposing

Akashi took it as a challange , so that was how he robbed Midorima of his leg-forming potions and continued to flirt with Kuroko in weird ways in hopes of him finally accepting his proposal

The end.

A/N : how you guys like that one eh?

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