NOT so little red riding hood (pls don't kill me Akashi)

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Author note : i kept on seeing little red riding hood akakuro one-shots , so i decided i would do one too , beacause it looks fun-

<Nay Nay's P.O.V.>

Kuroko Tetsuya was a ordinary wolf with not so ordinary looks and a verry concerning obsession with vanilla

It got so bad that he now can detect vanilla from more than a hundred miles away

But this story isn't about vanilla now is it?

It's about the love story of red riding hood and the wolf

I am NOT talking about THOSE kind of relationships ok?

The wolf is not really a wolf , he is part wolf , he just has ears , tail and for some odd reason really cute paws with squishy padies.

If you call him big bad wolf you would be partially correct beacause he is neither bad nor you could call him tinny wolf , i think-

Anyway , said wolfs name was Kuroko

He lived in the woods like any other wolf , except those domestic ones who mostly help in the police forces

While on the other part of the place he lived in was a big village ruled by the Akashi clan who's names could be the only one to make chills go down even to those with the strongest phisical and mental power

Those in the family were known for their signiture bright red colour

Once one of the kids in the family turned 16 they are caped with their sacred red hood that they got from their ancestors and are asked to go through one of the ghost forests to find a "pet" who's fate is to do their masters orders once they're chosen by said 16 year old

Today , december 20th , Akashi Seijuuro's birthday

He was to be caped at the time the sun was to be up in the middle of the sky and was to ascend into the forest he has chosen to search for a pet

Kuroko , all the while the Akashi ceremony was going on was looking around the forest for herbs and other materials to both finish building his home and make medicine for the other other animals that "live" in his house (they burst in while on the run from some hunters a few days back and never left since)

So Kuroko was just searching through some bushes and stuff untill he smelled-

He smelled-


He smelled vanilla

Turns out Akashi decided on a vanilla scented perfume for his special outing in the fourth ghost forest who was said to be actually haunted (ya it IS Kuroko who is "haunting" the place)

So , ofc , how i said in the begining , Kuroko smelled that from miles away

And his wolf instincts kicking in , he sprinted naruto style towards the scent

He may have tripped if he didn't keep his balance (i was ab to go face in the pacement trying so don't go too fast while goin like this)


Oh wait he did trip


Right now

Blood's starting to drip from his nose

Oooooo that gotta HURT

He on the run again


Kuroko found Akashi

Not a verry nice meeting but still a meeting that will change both their lives forever

Anyway , Akashi's vision was like those cliche romance anime scenes when they see the romantic interes with flowers and stuff but Kuroko's nose was still bleeding and there were beads of salty H2O's formin in the corner of his eyes so he looked kinda cute

Except the blood , he should check if he broke his nose or sum

So Akashi found his new pet

And like any other Akashi

He took his new pet kidnapper style back to the Akashi Clan residence where he would make said pet do weird things like rearange the condiments in the kitchen in colour order

Kuroko , not verry smart , decided that painting all the containers white would help

Though, Kuroko's "friends" may have died

Who knows

Cuz i certainly don't-

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