Kuroko no glass slipper

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Author note : disney era bois

<Nay Nay's P.O.V>
Tetsuya was a well manered young man that lived with his mother up until the point she found a new significant other and died..

His step father wasn't the gratest of parents , especialy his step brothers that were quite literally the definition of dumb buttholes

Their names were Taiga and Daiki

But don't get Tetsuya wrong , he actually LOVED his brothers and their dumbness , it's what kept him doing the chores and putting up with his step father

But , he always thought about the fact that , maybe someday he will find love like how his biological mother and father have

So imagine his excitement when he heard of the fact that the prince was looking for love , no matter the gender , he had to take a chance. Maybe this was the love he was mourning for

Tetsuyas brothers weren't really into men . Taiga liking both genders but liking more women , and Daiki was the most heterosexual Tetsuya would ever come across

The step-father , though,  wasn't happy about the fact his step-son was a homosexual , but still exploited this fact and made him go to the ball , even hiring a proffesional to tailor the best clothes for him

Tetsuya was ready , he was about to get true love!

In the ballroom , the prince caught his eyes and vice-versa

The prince was called Akashi , his striking red hair and eyes were mezmerizing

Not long pasts and Akashi had to find a dance partner , yet he already knew who he would ask and who he'll end up choosing by the end of the night

The two give eachother knowing looks , not being able to comunicate from the distance between them , and signal towards the garden

They make their way through the crowd and meet at the spot they decided on

They talked for a bit , and then decides to go back , maybe try and actually dance toghether

But once on the floors of the palace , with the song from earlier being replayed , Tetsuya puts his arm on the other hip , but Akashi had the same thought and put HIS arm on the others hip as well

They went at it for a while , but came to the conclusion that they will get allong just fine-

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