Chapter 6

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GoldenKit stared at LizardStrike. At sunhigh, StormStar would call the meeting that would decide the evil cat's fate. The last quarter-moon had been torture, with hardly any cat seeing him. Now, seeing the traitorous tom limp and defeated, cheers were at the back of everycat's throat.

"Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather beneath the HighLedge for a Clan meeting!" StormStar summoned. "Today, we decide the fate of LizardStrike, PearFace, and their kits. PearFace, have you come to a decision?"

"I have, StormStar," PearFace replied tentatively. "I would like to stay in ThunderClan and raise my kits telling them they had no father." Her green eyes flashed as she stared at LizardStrike. "They are young enough not to remember him. If they ask about a father, I will tell them he doesn't matter. I'll tell them he didn't like them and didn't want to be their father anymore. I'll be telling them the truth, as actions like the ones my... my FORMER MATE have displayed scream that he doesn't love them or care about them."

"ThunderClan, what do you think? Do you think PearFace should get her wish, or do you think we should decide for her?" StormStar called.

"PearFace is a good cat," GemHeart called out. "She is sweet and has realized her mistake. BrambleStar didn't turn out bad, even though his father was TigerStar. There is no reason that BlueKit, FrostKit, SlipKit, and SpruceKit will be anything like their father."

"She deserves no harm!" HawkFeather announced.

"PearFace MUST stay!" BerryTail crowed.

"She shouldn't be hurt for being swindled like the rest of us!" SparkFlare called. As MintWhisker had promised, SparkFlare had been given his full name at the MoonPool the night of GrassStem and SteamBreeze's warrior ceremony.

"If you're going to chase her out, at LEAST let her keep her kits!" FernWhisper mewed.

"That's not a concern. She is staying!" BoulderStorm meowed firmly.

"PearFace, the Clan votes you stay in ThunderClan. Both my heart and my head have agreed from the start," StormStar purred.

"Thank you, StormStar," PearFace breathed as she dipped her head in grace. Slowly backing away into the nursery, GoldenKit smiled at the thought of keeping her friends in ThunderClan.

"LizardStrike, I have thought long and hard about your punishment. You did not attack warriors, you attacked kits. That is a cowardly and dishonourable act. Your punishment—" The Clan grew quiet with apprehension. "—is exile. You can stay and hunt on ThunderClan territory for the rest of today, but, after dawn tomorrow, if you are found on OUR territory, any cat is allowed to chase you, gut you, hurt you, kill you. Am I clear?"

"Yeah," LizardStrike snorted.

"Good. Now, get out, and never come back."

LionPelt and WaspWhisker stood back. LizardStrike stared at them, hissed and slashed his claws at his guards, then turned and pelted out of the camp.

GoldenHeartOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant