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"God dammit, Micah! Your fucking guns?? That's what was so important that risk our damn lives?? I should've left you to rot in that damn cell"

Micah kicked harder against Baylock's side, making him speed up. He wished he could just shoot Arthur and enjoy some peace and quiet.

Arthur catches up to Micah again, "Are you listening to me, dammit? I'm sick of your shit, Micah, you selfish motherfucker!"

Micah finally turns to face him, "You shut your goddamn mouth. I'm sick of listening to you bitch about everything I do."

As they bicker, a group of men on horseback start to catch up with them.

"You never do anything right, Micah. I don't know why Dutch keeps you around, you're nothing but trouble. And before we know it , you'll--"

"Shut up."

"No, you listen here, I--

"Quiet dammit," Micah argues, motioning behind them with his head. Arthur turns to look.

"Shit," He whispers. "Looks like O'Driscoll boys." As he speaks, Micah has already unholstered his gun.

"Get ready for a fight." Arthur has barely a second to react before Micah is shooting behind them at the other men. He knocks two off their horses before the barrel emptied.

Arthur shoots as Micah trys to reload his pistol, which isn't an easy task at the speed they're moving. Arthur manages to knock the third man off his horse. The man falls and is dragged into the trees by his horse, his foot caught in the stirrup.

"Shit. Shit."

"Micah, this is all your damn fault, shooting up the entire town." Arthur speeds up then slows his horse in front of Micah's.

"Get out of my way." Micah forces through clenched teeth. Arthur holds his ground, blocking the narrow path. Micah sighs, turning his horse and moving quickly into the trees. Baylock is better trained than Arthur's newly purchased horse so it's easy to weave through the trees. After making good distance from Arthur, he began to look for a place to hide out.

He spots a huge barn to his right and moves towards it. It looks like it could fall in any minute, but Micah doesn't care, he just wants to make sure Arthur doesn't find him. The inside is dark; very little afternoon light making its way through the boards. He ties Baylock's lead to a post and continues deeper into the barn. He finds stairs that lead up to a loft, so he climbs hoping to find somewhere to sleep for the night. The stairs let out tired creaks as he moves upward. The final step lets out an agonizing cry, piercing the silence. Looking around, he can see the loft still holds a few hay bails from its long past owner.

'For once, something goes my way.' He thinks. 'I deal with enough shit as it is. Especially him. That prick, Morgan.'

He can't help but think about how easy it would be to kill him; one bullet is all it would take and his world would be brighter.

As he starts to pull apart the hay to create a makeshift bed, the sound of a squeaking board catches his attention. Stopping what he was doing, he pulls his gun and crouches behind the bails.

He can make out footsteps now, walking their way through the barn. They stop. Silence. Micah turns his head trying to grab any sound from the musky air around him. Then, he hears the same squeaks from the aching steps that he climbed moments before. Readying his gun and positioning himself to pounce, holding his breath.

The final squeak of the last step cuts through the air. Micah practically leaps from hiding and points his gun. Just inches away from the end of the barrel stands Arthur.

What Would You Do For Your Life? Arthur Morgan X Micah Bell NSFWحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن