Chapter 2

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Steve started regretting his decisions right after Eddie had ended their conversation, and the thing that annoyed him, was he didn't know why. Eddie was just a person, one who he'd hung out with many times before them, yet still there were these butterflies in his stomach. Like he needed his approval, like he was going to judge him and leave. He knew he wouldn't, but it still felt like he would.

Not only that, but he was worried about what Eddie was coming over for. He knew Steve started smoking again, it was a vice left between the dealer and user. But he didn't know if all the theatrics gave him the reason to have a smoke session with him. 'Cause they also had movie nights with Robin together, and though they never actually agreed on what to watch, it could have been that.

Steve didn't have enough time to contemplate everything that was about to happen before his door was being knocked on by Eddie, to the rhythm of the guitar solo from 'Master of Puppets'. One song Steve actually did recognize since, the self proclaimed, most metal thing that's happened in the upside down. He opened the door to Eddie in a signature outfit plus a backpack.

"Harrington, how's your self deprecation going?" Steve grimaced.

"Seriously? I thought you came here to make me feel better, not worse." Eddie dramatically acted as if shot with an arrow, jaw dropping as he gasped.

"You underestimate me Stevie, I have exactly what you need. Movies, drugs, food, and me. What more could you want on this fine Friday evening?" Steve's mouth quirked into a lopsided grin while pretending to think about his question.

"You know Munson, I could think of a lot of things that could make me feel better about my love life, but this is what we've got. So, get on with it."

"Compromise Stevie, I know that's good for relationships. So you're getting there somehow."

"Yeah, okay Eddie. What movies did you bring?" They finally made it to the living room and Steve slouched onto the couch. Eddie threw his backpack off of his back and onto the coffee table, rummaging through it and laying out everything on the wood underneath it. A stack of vhs's, four rolled blunts in a ziplock bag, and two large bags of ruffles. Which happened to be his favorite type of chip and he didn't think Eddie would have noticed.

"Okay, so today we have two genres of movies. Ones that will make you forget about your love life or ones that will inspire you to find your true love. Which are you picking?"

"Forget, for right now."

"Well that gets rid of half of those then. We have: The Godfather, The Outsiders, Lord of the Rings, Rocky Horror, and Willy Wonka." Eddie looked up from what he was reading only to be met with Steve looking at him slightly shocked. Not only was he wondering why he thought he would be able to get him to watch Lord of the Rings again, but also one more thing.

"You own Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory?"

"Uh yeah, its a fucking fever dream in a kids movie. Good to watch when you're high." Steve nodded, understanding it now, he could see it.

"Fair. Outsiders first, then Willy Wonka." Eddie obliged and set everything up before sitting in the middle of the sofa, that way he could reach the ziplock baggie. Taking one of the blunts out of it and holding it out for Steve to grab. Which he did before sticking it into his mouth to light. Once he had, his fingers had brushed against Eddie's, they were as callused as the last time he felt them during some similar type of innocent interaction.

"Hold on Harrington."

Eddie reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out a silver lighter with a bat on it. Seemed a little ironic to Steve, which made him stifle a scoff. He held the flame out for Steve to meet in the middle and light it, when he did he couldn't help but look at Eddie's face since it was right in front of him. He didn't notice before how big Eddie's eyes were, the doe eyes reminding him of the girls he was always attracted to. Taking a hit, he leaned back into his seat and placed the blunt between his fingertips before exhaling the excess smoke. He could feel Eddie looking at him, they'd never actually smoked with one another before.

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