Rhaneys just left us.

Later that night I went to my father's chambers I sat on his bed

Father "Alicent?"

"No father, it's Rhaella."

Father "Rhaella

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Father "Rhaella."

"the song of ice and fire, father do you believe it to be true."

Father "Agon Dream."

"You told me it was our duty to hold the Relm united against common foes, by naming me Heir you divided the Relm, I thought I wanted it, but the burden is a heavy one it's too heavy."  I started to cry

Father "My oldest child."

"if you wish me to bare it then Defend me, Defend Rhaneyra and her children

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"if you wish me to bare it then Defend me, Defend Rhaneyra and her children. Our children." I started to cry even harder, "I don't know what to do father, people say I should be killed for going against you for marrying Daemon, and now saying that Rhaneyra's children are bastards, they say my sons should not be alive, I have gotten threats from people saying they will take my children away. I'm trying to be strong and protect all of you, I can't show my weaknesses Father, I am being your strength father because you are weak. I love you father, I don't know how I'm going to do this."

then next morning it was time to stand in front of the court

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then next morning it was time to stand in front of the court.

Otto "though it is great hope, this court that lord Coryls Velaron survived his wounds, we gather here with a grim task of dealing with the succession of Driftmark, As a hand, I speak for the king's voice. on this and all other matters."

His Blood is my BloodOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora