#1 cold person

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Miso pov:

Yaah miso Are you out of your mind? How dare you get a "F" in your exam? Are you planning to stay in the same class again? Are you kidding me, why do you always make me angry with your low grades? Can't you just make me proud once in my life? Look at my friend's son he ranked 2nd in the whole Thailand and you as always last. First you gave me a news that you are gay and second you always make me feel angry with your grades.

How I will even show my face to my other friends whose childrens always score better than you? huuh....Miso's father scolded with a angry tone.

That's the reason I hate to came home, he always tells me that he made a biggest mistake because he raised me...let me tell you a truth I really prefer my college dorm because it's currently empty and no one is staying in with me, so I can stay alone everytime but I got an email from our Dean this morning that a new student is shifting in today....this old men who is currently scolding me is my dad who came in top 10 business men list in Thailand and the most important thing, he never supported my sexuality. Since, he found out that I am a girl who gets attracted to girls he started feeling shame on me, since that day he cleared that he have a reputation and I am already ruining it...

Yaahh Miso are you listening or not....then I came back to reality that he is still scolding me and I totally ignored him...as always I left the house without listening his another word and slamed the door loudly. As I came out of the house I took a deep breath and tried to relax, but it was not really helping alot so I stood on my motorcycle and started going towards my university obviously I am going to release this fucking anger on someone today....so I started driving with 100s speed...

I was soo fast that I could be in my university in just a few minutes but soon I saw a kid who ran between the road I was driving in and I started slowing down my bike speed but unfortunately it was tooo late and I immediately pressed the brake, I am not soo lucky today, so my bike slipped towards the light pillar which was far enough from the kid and I fell on the ground hard while groaning in pain, but soon stopped when I heard the kid crying, so I stood up and started walking towards the crying baby. My leg was paining badly I felt like I twisted my ankle and it was a bad idea to walk but I still acted like everything is alright and walked towards the kid and bent down to the baby boy's level and immediately wiped his tears while asking, What's wrong dear? Why are you crying? Are you alright? the kid nodded..then why are you crying baby. Then he pointed his little finger towards my right hand and spoke in his sweet voice, You are bleeding sisa. I moved my stare towards my hand and saw there was few scratches on my arm. It was also bleeding badly. It was stinking but I still acted normally and replied, No babe, I am alright. It doesn't hurt. As I saw his face, he did not seem satisfied with my answer so, I swung my arm around and said, Look it's not hurting. My arm is strong like iron and there that kid nodded and I patted his head and he kissed my cheeks with a smile on his face, soon he ran away....as he ran away I winced in pain but I can't do anything. So I tried to walk and started my bike again and made my way towards the university.

Time skipped I was in my university dorm treating my wounds. First i applied antibiotics on my arm. There were only scratches so I put few bandages on it and then moved on my leg...I gasped when I saw that my ankle is badly swallon but I thought it will be ok with a pain reliever spray so I sprayed that and took a painkiller for safety...And soon exited the dorm with my bag and water bottle....

I was walking in the college hallway towards my lockers when someone bumped on my right arm, I groaned in pain and grabbed the person by the collar and pushed the person on a random locker door and remembered the person face. It was the same girl who showed me attitude on the first day and since that day I bully her regularly....sorry Miso, sorry I didn't mean it, please.... the girl was apologizing again and again but I didn't leave her this time and spoke...Do you know Anna, today I was planning to leave you for one day but it looks like you don't really want a break..
Sorry Miso seriously I didn't mean it trust me...she apologized rapidly and I slapped her on her face...I heard someone whispering behind me so I thought they must be talking about their night stands or some other stuffs you know people really loves to gossip right?...I was about to punch her on her face but stopped on my way when a boy spoke out, Look there's a new girl in college. She is soo cute. I hope I will get a chance to be her boyfriend...and I looked behind and saw every one was looking towards the hallway entry. Then I moved my eyes in the same direction and saw a girl she was really cute...she had coldness and glasses on her eyes. Her skin was pale like a vampire and she was wearing a black hoodie with a denim jeans and a cap on her head. Fuck, she is really cute and hot....Is there is any chance that, She can be my new roommate or something, no-no it can't... it's admission time going on in college, So there are less chances.

I thought, Should I ask her if she wants to be my friend?...Then I realised, What the fuck I was thinking? Fuck I've never been like this before... Why do I want to be her friend?....but she is really different from others, so I thought I should really try ask her for being my friend, she was walking towards my side and suddenly I started to panic but then I thought, Let's do it Miso, it's normal right....She was only a few steps away from me and I whispered Hi while raising my hand up for a shake but she ignored my hand and walked by my side....she was still wearing her cold stare and ignored me like I was an invisible bitch...I was still in my shock but was soon cut of by the university bell...I entered my class and was suprised from the scene. This cold girl is my classmate and her side seat is empty. So, I thought let's me take a seat but a guy asked her if he could sit there but she nodded her head in disagreement. I smiled and walked towards her and asked...Hey if you don't mind can I take this seat? I asked while pointing on the seat and she saw my face blankly she hesitated but nodded and I took the seat with a smile....

Miso pov end*

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Hello guys welcome to everyone who is planning to read this story,it's my first girlxgirl so i hope everyone will support me

Info: this is my imaginary story...

Proof reader:ace_bibliolater

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