Chapter 43

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George POV

If George hoped he was done with serious conversations, that hope had been crushed to dust and then stomped on repeatedly. His clammy palms came to a standstill over soft fur, drowning in the darkness lurking in Corpse's eyes.

In the same way death couldn't be reversed, time couldn't be given. The one thing wanted most to stay would always leave, and with its departure time both took and gave. 

"What does that mean?" Dream spoke gravely, stark contrast to the calm mask he wore. 

"Jschlatt sent spies, Foolish and I caught one just outside the mansion." Corpse's fingers twitched, and for the first time George noticed the very tips of his claws were stained red. "They've figured us out."

Goosebumps erupted over the brunette's skin despite the warmth of Patches pressed against him. An invisible hand reached into his chest, constricting his heart and lungs in a brutal grip. 

"The spy." All signs of previous happiness vanished from his lover, the dirty blond's expression deathly serious. "Did they talk?"

"It took some convincing." Corpse exchanged a knowing look with his brother. "He wouldn't give out any specifics, however he did confirm Jschlatt knows we are all together. Ghost, you, Foolish, and the humans."

"Fucking hell." Dream cursed under his breath. 

"We can't leave." The raven-haired alien crushed any hope of fleeing the mansion. "Mom needs her equipment to change George." 

The reminder of his surgery slapped the brunette in the face, doing nothing to help the nausea churning in his stomach. His brain searched blindly for a solution, but without proper knowledge of this world he practically a child in a room of veterans.

"Have you spoken to her?" Dream shifted his weight from leg to leg, a shadow of concern creeping over his emerald eyes.

"Yes, just now." Corpse flicked his hand behind him, hinting that they'd met in the hallway. "She wasn't surprised. Said she had a hunch this would happen. You know how mom is."

That earned a slight eye roll from the dirty blond. "Her hunches are never wrong."

Soon. Holly's voice rang in George's ears, haunting him like a ghost. Turns out even alien mothers had a sixth sense for danger.

Corpse's next sentence chilled him to the bone. "She is going to move George's surgery to tonight." 

"What?" The brunette rocked on his heels, grabbing onto Patches for stability. He ignored Dream's worried approach, focusing his attention on the one who'd spoken. "I thought she couldn't get the supplies?" 

A light weight settled over his shoulders, Dream's arm finding home around him. The dirty blond squeezed in gentle reassurance. 

"She needed blood bags, but couldn't get them through the usual channels without looking suspicious." Corpse softened his intense gaze. "She originally planned to gather blood from all of us everyday. That is no longer necessary now." 

George opened his mouth to ask how when he remembered the captured spy. The thought of a stranger's blood in his body made him sick, but blood transfusions in the hospital often came from multiple strangers. He supposed he was lucky it came from one source. 

Dream didn't look any more happy than him, his nose wrinkling in disgust. However, he remained silent on the matter.

At the end of the day, blood was blood.

"I understand." He attempted to sound confident, though it fell short. 

"I'll be with you the whole time." Dream promised him, pulling the human a smidge closer. 

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