Chapter 20

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George POV

Inhuman ocean eyes bore into mocha brown. "Would you like me to prove how little your trust means to me?"

No, I believe you. The reply rose to George's lips, blocked by the ice spreading through his veins. 

"First you threaten a wounded teen." Dream shifted, shielding the brunette behind his body. "Now you threaten the smallest one here. Just how small are your balls?"

Rage flashed in Skeppy's gaze. "What did you just fuckin' say to me?"

"Oh, right, sorry." Emerald burned disdainfully, his sharp tongue dripping with equal fury. "I forgot you don't have any."

Blue fabric rushed behind the alien, and George barely had time to register Wilbur launching an attack on Skeppy before Dream dove into the fight. The alien spun with frightening speed, knocking Wilbur to the ground with a solid kick to the stomach. 

George covered his ears, but he couldn't block out the crack of breaking ribs. Skeppy bent his upper body backwards, claws digging into the ground in a move that belonged in gymnastics as the ax swiped through the air where his neck had been. His lower body whipped into the air, sneaker slamming into Dream's hand and knocking the ax from his grip. 

The alien flipped onto his feet, shit-eating grin more malevolent than ever. He opened his mouth to spew insults, but instead howled in livid agony. A knife stabbed deep inside his calf, stains of crimson spreading over his pant leg.

Wilbur attempted to yank the knife free to no avail, his face dropping in sudden realization as he dodged a split second before Skeppy swiped sharp claws in his direction.

The alien radiated bloodlust, his irises burning with murder. Skeppy said nothing, merely reached down and pulled the knife from his calf. Surprisingly little blood followed, and George realized with a jolt of horror that the wound was far shallower than appeared.

"Be careful how you hit him!" Wilbur shouted. "His body is strong, it felt like I was stabbing a rock and I couldn't get the knife out."

That must've been Tina's knife. George desperately looked around for anything they could use as a weapon, but the clearing truly was empty.

Dream had already retrieved his ax, joining Wilbur in cautiously circling Skeppy. The alien watched them intensely, still gripping the knife in his hand.

"Protecting a half dead teen and a human twig." Skeppy mocked. "There's no way you find that logical. Why not let me kill them and give yourselves the chance to escape? Not that you could." He hissed the last words with murderous intent. 

"Unlike you, we don't betray people we care about." Wilbur snapped back. His arm pressed to his stomach, and George knew he must be in pain from his broken ribs.

"See, but I just don't care about any of you." Skeppy pointed a claw at each of the players in turn. "Surely it's not betrayal if I wanted you dead from the start."

A seed of an idea bloomed in George's brain, and he didn't need to share his plan to know Dream  would be furious. He drew his shoulders in, allowing his gaze to dart to the ground. He could hear his fellow players attempting to engage the alien that was obviously toying with them. 

Sneakers scraped the ground, broken by pained grunts and breathless gasps. 

To them, he was unnoticed. He assumedly posed no threat. 

George waited until Skeppy's back angled towards him, watching the alien's movements carefully. Now. He dove forward, arms wrapping around Skeppy's torso. 

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