Chapter 30

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George POV

"I would love to talk, though." Purple contrasted starkly against snow white, the alien clothed in guard attire. A helmet lay abandoned near the pillow, leaving his fanged grin in full sight.

"What are you doing here?!" Fear drained the blood from George's body, mocha scanning the room for a freckled face. "Where is Dream?"

"Whoa, relax." Foolish raised his hands, palms out, in a calm down gesture. As if anyone could be calm when an alien is just sitting on their bed. "I didn't do anything to him."

"What is that supposed to mean?" George stood his ground, narrowing his eyes in a fierce glare. 

Foolish simply looked amused, his smile stretching wider. His brows arched, and the brunette was ready to throw something at his head if he laughed. 

"Well," Foolish began. "He wasn't here when I came in." 

"Where is he then?" George accused. "Did you-"

"URGH!" A loud groan cut him off. Foolish rubbed his forehead, his frustration palpable. "You humans are so mistrusting! I did nothing, and I don't know where he went. I'm not a stalker."

The brunette eyed his guard outfit meaningfully, but let the last sentence drop. "Why should I trust you then?"

"I can tell you!" Foolish perked up, sitting prim and proper with that same unreadable smile. "There are no children in my basement!"

"What...?" George shook his head, attempting to force his bewildered brain into processing that. "Why would you say that? I trust you even less now!" 

"What do you mean what?!" The alien clearly hadn't expected that reaction. His green eyes widened, brows kitting inward. "Isn't that a trust code for humans?"

"It's alarming is what it is!" He couldn't believe he was having this conversation with the enemy right now. Maybe his breakfast this morning was drugged after all. 

"But- but-" Foolish stammered. "When we researched the human world, I heard humans saying 'that guy definitely has children in his basement' when discussing somebody mistrustful!"

Did this guy watch old dramas of women sipping tea and judging passersby for research?! The temptation to throw something at the alien's head returned, and George deflated. "Just tell me why you're here."

"I feel like I've been lied to." Foolish grumbled. "Anyways... what did I come here for again?" 

"You tell me." George forced the words out through gritted teeth. 

"Oh, right!" Foolish clapped his hands. "I wanted to offer a little advice. Don't sleep heavily tonight."

"Why not?" Of all things the alien could've said, the brunette hadn't expected that to be one of them. 

"It's better if you see for yourself-" Green eyes flashed, his head abruptly snapping toward the door. The intensity of his stare seemed to burn through the metal, focusing on something beyond the door. 

He reminded George of a dog that heard a noise, ears perking and body stilling. 

"I should get going." Foolish hopped to his feet, reaching down to smooth his indention from the sheets. He held a finger to his lips, gold earrings brushing his shoulders. "Don't tell anyone you saw me. Just trust me about tonight, I'm helping you. Whether you believe it or not." 

"I don't." George's tone fell flat.

The wink Foolish gave him made it clear the alien believed otherwise. Securing the mask-helmet onto his head, Foolish vanished in the appearance of a guard. His shark-tail was missing, having morphed his body to fit the suit.

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