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𝐇𝐮𝐞𝐲'𝐬 𝐩𝗼𝐯
Today was the day of the funeral and ever since yesterday and breakfast, Y/n's been acting weird around me.

"Beautiful, you sure everything's okay? You know you can talk to me" I say, wanting some form of confirmation that Y/n was okay.

But instead, her back was still turned towards me as she finished getting dressed, still quiet.

"Y/n" "I'm fine Huey, don't worry" she tried to reassure, but I've known Y/n for a while now and I know when she's lying, but for now I decided to drop it, now wanting to step on a nerve either.
Huey's fit

Huey's fit

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Y/n's fit

𝐀𝐮𝐭𝐡𝗼𝐫'𝐬 𝐩𝗼𝐯The entire way to the yacht Y/n and Huey didn't talk, Y/n in her world as she tried to not think about what Cairo said the other day, even taking interest in the tattoos on her hand, but the boy had gotten her number and woul...

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𝐀𝐮𝐭𝐡𝗼𝐫'𝐬 𝐩𝗼𝐯
The entire way to the yacht Y/n and Huey didn't talk, Y/n in her world as she tried to not think about what Cairo said the other day, even taking interest in the tattoos on her hand, but the boy had gotten her number and would constantly text as if worried that Huey would truly hurt her.

But once on the boat, Y/n tried to stay with her brothers in the corner but they started to flirt with some girls and Riley forced her to walk around with him and Huey.

"Is everything alright man?" Huey asked Cairo, the boy completely ignoring him while Dewey made a corny "Hilton brothers" joke, Cairo going over to Y/n.

"Ay, you good? You seem out of it Ma" "yeah I'm fine, just tired" Y/n spoke, trying to shake things off, not expecting Cairo to crack a few jokes that made her laugh, also making Huey upset.

"No, because-" just before Y/n could even finish talking, Huey grabbed her arm, dragging her out of the room, still careful of the fact that Y/n was wearing heels.

"What the fuck Huey" "Nah bruh, how come you've been acting strange since the bridge and even today but all of a sudden Cairo pulls up and you're back to normal?"

"Huey I-" "no because you know that was my old friend and you saw how he's been acting since we met back up and you're still gonna treat me like a stranger? You gonna treat your boyfriend like a fucking stranger?"

Huey was a bit pissed, his desperation for Y/n to just talk to him turning into a change in character.

But instant regret had washed over the two just as tears welled up in Y/n's eyes, not thinking about the full outcome of even entertaining what Cairo said to her.

"I'm sorry Huey, it's just that yesterday Cairo was talking about you leaving him hanging and all this shit and he kept checking in and telling me how you'd do the same and I didn't want you thinking I'd doubt you but he just kept on an-"

At this point, Huey never expected to see Y/n like this, if anything he's barely seen her seriously cry like this except for one time while watching a movie.

It made the boy heartbreak at seeing her cry, and in an attempt to make Y/n calm down, Huey hugged Y/n, not even caring about the black mascara and eyeliner marks and other makeup that would end up on his jacket, only caring about Y/n right now.

"*deep breath* I'm sorry Huey, I should have just talked to you, I wasn't trying to shut you out" "it's okay, I'm sorry for going off though" "better be" Y/n joked, the two laughing for a moment.

"But it's fine, I guess this was kind of on me," Y/n said nervously, not the type to admit she was wrong in a situation unless it's very obvious.

"No it's alright, but I do want you to know that I'll never leave you behind, I don't even think it's possible with how In love I am with you Y/n, and I mean that with every ounce of my heart and soul" Huey confessed before softly kissing Y/n, a slightly salty taste of her tears on his lips.

"You're gonna make me cry again bruh" Y/n laughed while wiping her tears away.

"Well my jacket's already ruined so I won't notice" the boy grinned while watching Y/n look away from him for a moment before kissing him again.

"I love you too Huey, so much so that I don't even think it's humanly possible to love someone so much" Y/n confessed, surprised to see a tear fall down Huey's face.

"Now you got me crying bruh" the boy chuckled before going to the bathroom with Y/n to get cleaned up before Grandad got started with his piece.

𝐘/𝐧'𝐬 𝐩𝗼𝐯
After grandad called his friend an asshole, Dewey had taken over with a poem.

"This poem was terrible," I say "yeah that poem was corny as hell" Huey agreed.

"Corny? Nigga you're corny, how bout you make your girl cry some more and go back with your punk ass grandaddy to Whitesville" Cairo gritted out before Huey punched him, Riley running right at Dewey and even throwing a chair at him.

"You conniving ass nigga, tryna make my girlfriend leave me? Nigga she didn't even do nun!" "And? Shit, how come you get to come back like some wannabe star and have a pretty girl on your arm? Hell, you don't deserve shit!"

Eventually, the two were pulled off of each other, Cairo in terrible shape compared to Huey.

After everything, it was pretty obvious that Cairo didn't want any form of friendship with Huey, which the boy had to accept.

But things had calmed down once we got back to Auntie's home, me and Huey changing into our bedclothes.

"You alright now?" I asked, my boyfriend currently having his head resting on my chest.

"Yeah, my hands hurt though" "maybe because you were just throwing hey makers," I say, holding up the boy's hands to look at them, seeing they'd probably be bruised in a bit.

"Yeah that could be the reason" the boy grinned as I lightly smiled, kissing his knuckles before continuing to talk, this moment one that I'd forever hold onto.

And surprisingly when we got back to Woodcrest things were chill, or as chill, as they could get, Jazmin was away on some trip with her family, which a blessing honestly.

(After this there's gonna be a pretty big time skip to the summer for everyone so you'll also be 17-18 depending on if y'all wanna go by your real birthday months)

𝐈𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐲𝐚𝐥𝐥
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