Away from the guys/girls (The InBESTigators)

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Kyle POV

"I heard the girls are having a sleepover too." Ezra said, before brutally trying to attack me.

Ezra and I are playing video games.

and I bet you can guess who always wins

"Trying to distract me I see." I said.

"I'm not, they really are." Ezra said. "Maudie told me." 

"Oh your girlfriend...." I said.

"Yes Kyle, she is my girlfriend." Ezra said. "So what? It's not a big deal." 

"Honestly, everyone knew you guys were eventually going to happen." I said. 

"Whatever Kyle." Ezra said. "I'm about to destroy you." 

"What?" I asked.

Then Ezra unleashed a strong weapon that could possibly kill me in one strike.

"I got lucky and found this." Ezra said. "Now say goodbye-" 

Out of panic, I grabbed the TV remote and turned it off.

"KYLE." Ezra said, turning his head to me. "I was about to win!" 

"There's no proof that you were... and my hand slipped, sorry." I reasoned.

Ezra rolled his eyes and leaned back.

"No use in making such a big fuss about it." Ezra said.

I gasped.

"You're just letting it go?" I asked.

"Yeah, what's wrong?" Ezra asked.

"You would be chasing me around until your breathless, which is about 30 seconds by the way, now you're not doing anything about it? Dating Maudie changed you. And I absolutely love it." I said.

"No, I just don't see the big problem." Ezra replied.

He closed his eyes.

Knowing his new restraint,

I felt a great sense of power.

I wonder what's my limit.

I grabbed a pillow and threw it at his face.

Ezra slowly turned to his head towards me.

"Kyle." Ezra said.

"Yes Ezra?" I asked.

He grabbed a pillow and started whacking me with it.

I guess I found my limit.


"Okay, what should we talk about?" I asked.

"I don't know." I said.

"How about boys?" I asked.

"I guess we can talk about that." Maudie smiled.

I thought about it deeply,

do I have boy related news to tell Maudie that I haven't told her yet?

"Uhmm, I actually don't-" I said.

Then I had a lightbulb moment.

"Oh! What about you and Ezra?" I asked.

Ezra and Maudie got together two weeks ago.

And they've been the cutest dorky couple I've ever seen.

They're currently going through the honeymoon phase,

The honeymoon phase is something all early couples go through.

However, Maudie and Ezra are surprisingly handling it well.

They aren't too clingy or too sappy.

"What about me and Ezra?" Maudie asked before taking a sip of her juice.

"How's your relationship going so far? I assume pretty good. You guys are absolutely perfect together. Both intelligent, have the same weird sense of humor and the ridiculous obsession for reading. I knew I was right when I first shipped you two." I replied. "You guys are basically soulmates-"

"Woah, first of all yes we're doing great and second hold on there Ava." Maudie said reaching for my shoulder. "You think Ezra and I are soulmates?"

"Well yes, I made that point very clear." I replied.

"We're not." Maudie said with a confident look on her face.

"How can you be so sure?" I asked.

"I mean we could be, but I think you think that we're soulmates for the wrong reasons." Maudie said.

"What?" I asked. "Please explain, my brain just exploded trying to understand what you just said." 

"If soulmates really do exist, they aren't found their made." Maudie said.

"Again, what?" I asked.

"Ezra and I are 'soulmates' because we accept each other's flaws, adjust to each other's behavior and learn to love the other no matter what. We make each other better. You know, sometimes Ezra is incredibly childish, but I learned to accept and get used to it. We 'made' ourselves soulmates." Maudie said. 

My brain was trying process everything.

"So, you're saying that there is no such thing as destined soulmates and you just to have to love someone deep enough to bypass their flaws?" I asked.

"You got the main point." Maudie said.

"Your so wise Maudie, you're like that strange smart older sister I never had." Ava said.

"Your literally months older than me but thank you." Maudie said honestly.

"You're welcome and now I've gotten an idea on what to do next." I said.

"Let's prank call the boys."

To elaborate... (Bad english!!)

Ava pulls a classic "Sir your order of 1000 chicken nuggets is about to be delivered, what mode of payment would you like?"

The guys panic.

Girls obviously tell them truth and hang up.

They pig on pizza and talk about girl stuff.

They party all night because conveniently Ava's parents aint there.

They fall asleep and wake up at the most random spots of Ava's room.

Promise you better work next chapter 👌

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