Her- The ManEater

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She looked like a movie.

The sort that made you cry uncontrollably, not because you were sad, but because you're so happy and everything seems mushy and good in the world.

She sounded like a song.

You know that one song that you listen to every day to everyone's annoyance.

She felt like a hug.

The best sort.

The hug that makes you feel warm and safe. The hug that stops time for that brief minute. The hug that makes you not want to let go.

She smelled like a dream.

The sort that wraps you up and makes you not want to wake up and when you do, you try your hardest to hold on to the memory of it.

She tasted like heaven.

Once you get a taste, you have to, no need to, have another.

She was euphoric. Everyone that came across her, man or woman, friend or foe, they all became mesmerized and ensnared.

The curve of her hips, the fullness of her breasts, the softness of her melanated skin that glows when worshipped by the sun.

Full lips, sharp brown eyes that draws you in, offering an invitation to do many many things.

She was a fantasy, a hallucination, a myth.

She was the universe and we mere insignificants in her world.

She sounds like a dream doesn't she?

Who wouldn't love to feel her, see her, BE HER?

Everyone would...
...Especially her.

Beneath the dip of her waist, the curvature of her ass, and the thickness of her thighs,  resided a beast  that loved the attention and affection she received from all.

She loved that she was HER.

She loved that she occupied this seemingly unearthly being.

It made her feel like how she always thought she was supposed to feel.

She was HER but she also wasn't her.

Yellowed teeth, thin cracked lips, a thin skeletal figure.

Bald, patchy hair, sharp talons, pitch black eyes.

That was her, the REAL her.

And she hated it.

And even though she loved that she was HER, she also hated HER, because she really wished she was HER.

And so even though she looked like a movie and sounded like a song and felt like a hug and smelled like a dream and tasted like heaven, she was not any of those things.

She was dangerous.



A ManEater.

A Demon.

She was her.


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