4// I Become the Center of Attention

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"What are we going to do with her?"
Speedy spoke evenly, keeping his eyes glued to Deathstroke's new apprentice through the one-way mirror.

"That's the question isn't it?" Green Arrow sighed, a hand massaging his temple. "The kid's right, we can't keep her here forever and we have absolutely nothing to bargain with. It's a waiting game, one we will lose and she knows that."

Subconsciously, every head in the room turned to the dark knight. The man had yet to say what he was planning.

"Hm." Was the man's response to all the eyes on him, he never once tore his narrowed gaze from the girl spinning around the pen she had somehow gotten ahold of.

"What are you thinking, Batman?"
Robin's question went unanswered as the man suddenly made his way out the door and towards the computer room, the Boy Wonder on his heels.

Roy and Oliver shared a look, Batman was cooking something up and neither of them had a clue what it was.
Robin leaned against the counter with his arms folded, his gaze on his mentor as Batman typed quickly on the computer.

"What are you doing?"

The question was more of a 'why' than a 'what'. Robin knew exactly what his mentor was doing, looking at the past four years of Percy Jackson's life as opposed to the years before that.

"What do you notice?"

Robin exhaled, before stepping over to stand beside his mentor, he couldn't help but see it as a test, a way to prove his worth.
Jason had been Robin for over three months now, yet alongside the excitement came the crushing weight of proving himself just as capable as the golden dick before him.

So the teen straighten his back, and lifted his chin as his mind scrabbled for connections.

"I see...a pattern. Every summer for the past four years Percy Jackson has been spotted around the country randomly...it's probably a part of Deathstroke's training."

Batman nodded, his lips drawn together in a thin line. "Close, this started before she met Slade, before Sally Jackson was murdered." He pointed to the timeline he had composed. "See?"

Batman was right, of course, the summer before Deathstroke had 'saved' her, she was supposedly kidnapped and hauled around the country with two other teens.

"Who were the other two kids with her?"

The poorly hidden prideful twitch of his lips didn't go unnoticed by Robin, and the raven-haired teen found himself too fighting a smirk.

"Annabeth Chase, aged 15, mother unknown, father Frederick Chase, half brothers Matthew and Bobby Chase. The other is unknown." He motioned towards the picture of a frizzy-haired young teen.

To say Robin was shocked was an understatement, the computer didn't have information on someone? As a homeless boy whisked into the hero life, the super computer had seemed almost..magic.

"What do you make of it?"
His question was met with silence and Robin watched carefully as Batman realized an audible sigh and shook his head, much to the younger's surprise.
For once Batman had no clue how to proceed and that worried him.


It was five hours later when the detective got his answers.

Flash was the first to speak as soon as the members of the League had gathered. "Now I love sudden meetings as much as the next guy, but why the sudden meeting?"

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