(6) Breakfast Apology

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Vanessa woke up the next morning dreading the day. Normally, she'd choose to be at school over being in her warm cozy bed, even at 5 in the morning. But today was different. She knew what awaited her at the breakfast table. This was simply a routine now.

Every now then, Vanessa and her Mother would fall into conflict. So out of stress or worry, Vanessa's Mother would wake up extremely early, 4 AM latest, and have a gourmet chef set up the most ravishing breakfast a pair of eyes could ever see. Despite her being the sophisticated, overly-confident woman she was, she still wanted to make amends with her daughter.

Though this may sound all sweet and loving, it's not very good. Vanessa's Mother had a little issue where she would always somehow find some way to put the blame on someone else, knowing full well that it was she, who was truly at fault.

Vanessa got ready and slowly trudged downstairs. She walked down the stairs making sure to lather her barefoot feet against the marble steps to make awful squeaking noises. It sounded as if someone had stepped on wet grass and mud with their sneakers, then entered inside and started rubbing their shoes on the floor. She knew the high-pitched squeals of the steps would annoy her Mother.

Finally she entered the kitchen and as expected, saw a big buffet of waffles, pancakes, eggs, toast, and tons more foods waiting to be scarfed down in a flash. Vanessa sighed and rolled her eyes. Vanessa's Mother, who was already seated, raised her eyebrows upwards.

"Surely after a good night's rest you can't still have that nasty attitude, Vanessa. Especially since I prepared this wonderful meal for you."

Vanessa didn't saying anything and just bit into her toast. Her mom would never put so much effort unto something when she could make someone else do it, even for a hefty price.

"Ask the cook to apply more butter next time."

Vanessa's Mother turned a shade of red. She hated being embarrassed or proven wrong. "I-it was still quite expensive. Be grateful."

Vanessa knew she'd had enough. At this point in the breakfast, she'd start turning stubborn. And maybe show a bit of sarcasm.

"Vanessa, don't you have anything to say to me?"
"If I did, I would've said it already. Anyways, I shouldn't be late to school so I'll get going now."

"Not so fast, Vanessa. We need to talk."
"But school-"
"Great idea, we'll talk in the car. Hurry up and grab your jacket."

Miss May's Academy (Book 1): Vanessa Vaughn EveΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα