I want you to be here with me

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Raphael felt his brother fell limp.
It all went back to him. His mother died the same way. His mother was comfiting him and said that he's not alone. He thought that he's on his own before he met Leonardo. He feared that if he gets close to him then something will happen. Now that "something" happened.
Raphael lowered his brother's arm and felt the tears falling on the body. He didn't care. All that mattered was helping Donatello and Michelangelo defeat the Shredder. He took Leonardo's katanas and rose up.
He turned around and ran towards the armored man who was about to stab Donatello thought the throat. The blade was able to break thought the armor and Shredder's weapon fell on the ground. Shredder dropped Donatello. Michelangelo kneed beside him and said:" Donnie." They both looked at the body in the other side of the battlefield. Donatello whispered:" No." Michelangelo rose up shakily and said:" Let's win this fight. For Leo!" Donatello rose up and said:" It's not long before he is weakened. Keep on fighting."
Then Raphael cried out in pain. He held on his right side and fell on the ground. Michelangelo ran towards the Shredder, who had new fresh blood on his blade.
Splinter jumped on the roof. He was suprised to see everything on fire. Suddendly his gaze fell on his student's body. Raphael was also down and Shredder striked at Michelangelo. Donatello was standing there, trying to find the right way to defeat the Shredder. Raphael saw him and thought:" Gotta keep fighting!" He rose up and said to the Shredder:" I will make you pay for this all!"
Splinter then saw somebody behind him. It was Russell! Russell took the axe out and ran towards Splinter. Splinter dodged it and asked:" Why are you doing this?" Russell said:" For Karai, everything. Even if somebody got too close to me. It was my plan. Take out my wife and then fake love Leon's wife. It was to get close to you, Hamato Yoshi!" Splinter said:" Not even insane people do this to their loved ones." Russell laughed and said:" My loved ones? I never loved Dael! It was a mistake because she never knew you like Kiara did. Raphael just got into my way. Now he will pay the price." He looked at Shredder, who was holding Raphael from the throat.
Suddendly the Shredder started to flicker. He dropped the turtle. Donatello shouted:" Yes! It works!" Suddendly the Shredder grabbed him and threw him right into the fire. Michelangelo shouted his name and wanted to help his friend only to be sliced to his back. Michelangelo fell to his knees and then the Shredder bringed his blade into Michelangelo's head.
Splinter shouted:" No!" Russell grabbed from his arm and said:" So sad. You have failed them. And wasn't one of them your star student? Face it, you have failed."
Kiara, April and Casey were fighting with the foor. Karai was about to leave when Russell fell on her. Splinter jumped down next to them and said:" Face this." Kiara stopped and asked:" What happened?" Splinter said:" I'm sorry but Leonardo's...."
Raphael looked around. All of his team was dying or is already dead. Suddendly the crystal from his belt started to glow. The same happened to other pieces of crystal near other turtles.
Everything was dark. It could have been relaxing if Leonardo didn't suffer from his childhood fear, darkness. He looked everywhere with panic. Where was he? Or better question was who is he? All he remembered was darkness.
Suddendly he saw a light and then figure appeared. It was a turtle who looked exacly like him. The figure just looked at him. Leonardo looked at him and tried to remember how to speak. Stranger laughted. It wasn't evil and it was more of a friendly laugh. Turtle said:" I know what you're thinking. It is not possible to see me but here i am." Leonardo asked:" Who are you?" The figure looked away and said:" I expected that you don't regornize me. You were very little when it happened." Leonardo then gasped as he started to realize who it was. He shouted:" Dad!"
Kiara dropped her sword and fell on her knees. April and Casey ran to her and protected her from any danger from the Foot.
Karai laughed and said:" So he's dead. Pity." Kiara stood up and rose her sword. Then she swinged it at the Foot leader. Russell was about to stand up when Karai fell on him. He looked at the blood dripping from Karai's fronthead. Russell was about to took his axe when Splinter stepped on his hand. Then he took him from the collar and threw him at Karai. They both fell out of the window behind them.
Leonardo hugged his father and asked:" You aren't really here, are you?" His father answered:" You are right but i still have seen you in action. I knew you could grow up as a hero. But why are you here?" Leonardo stopped the hug and looked away. He said:" The Shredder was just too strong." He tightened his fist. Then he felt a hand on his shoulder and said:" But your team needs you, Leonardo. Why are you doing this to them." Leonardo answered:" Because i wasn't good enough." Then the figure took a crystal from his belt and said:" You have a power to go back and save the world with your team. Just be one with the dragon eye crystal." Leonardo asked:" But if i go...i never see you again." Then he heard:" Anata wa hitorijanai, Leonardo. I was always there and i always will. Just trust me, my little boy. Everything will be alright." Leonardo smiled sadly and said:" You finally filled your promise that i will see you again." Then the voice said:" I never left."
Then the crystal started to glow brighter from all turtles and they all rose to their feet. The Shredder asked:" What is meaning of this!" Donatello said:" You thought that we will be defeated that easily." Michelangelo added:" You even haven't seen what can we do." Their injuries disappeared.
Splinter and Kiara ran up and saw the red light from four pieces. Splinter said:" The power of dragon eye! They are one with it!"
Leonardo said:" Let's do this, team!" Raphael just smiled at his team. Then they all ran towards the Shredder and attacked with everything they had. Then the Shredder fell on his knees. He started to fade! Leonardo said:" Now everyone on my signal!" They rose their weapons and bringed them down on the Shredder who disappeared from the impact. The dust what was left behind flied away with the wind. Raphael shouted:" We did it!" Leonardo said:" Good job everyone!" They gave each other high five and Raphael hugged Leonardo tightly.
Splinter walked closer to them and said:" My students, i am proud of you all." Kiara ran past him and hugged both Raphael and Leonardo. Donatello said:" Thanks, sensei. But what happened back there? We were literally dead!" Splinter explained:" The dragon eye. It is powerful crystal what works with only chosen ones. I have learned few trick with them and you are ready to learn it too." Leonardo had enough of the hug and asked:" Why is that crystal special?" Splinter answered:" Because it was made from four mystical warriors. They made it to defend the chosen ones and they have better winning change. Now it is in each one of you." Young turtles looked at each other with amazement.
Few days later the life went normal for them all. Well expect that Raphael became legally Leonardo's adopted brother. Raphael didn't feel alone anyone but he still had some outbursts.
The president found out the herotic deed and met with the four turtles. There was a huge party in that night at Michelangelo's place. But Leonardo and Raphael didn't join others.
They just ordered some pizzas and were sitting on the rooftop. They were talking about every topic they knew. Suddendly Raphael said:" Casey is cool." Leonardo asked:" You like him? I know that he likes you." Raphael asked shyly:" Really? Only just a friend?" Leonardo said:" Relax, Raphael. You have a chance with him." Raphael split out his just bited pizza piece. Leonardo said:" Yes, he's gay and you are his type. He told his friends about it." Raphael then hit Leonardo's back of the neck. Raphael shouted:" I don't like him like that!" Leonardo then stood up and said:" I was kidding! In some places anyway. "
Then he said:" Race you back home? Mom's gonna be worried soon." Raphael was then gone. Leonardo looked that Raphael was already on the other building's rooftop, waiting for him. Leonardo laughed and jumped to the same rooftop where Raphael was.
Soon they got home. Kiara was still at work. Raphael asked:" What is her job anyway?" Leonardo answered:" She's the nurse in the hospital." He sat on the couch. Then Donatello called. There was a robbery in the pank. Leonardo said:" Raphael, let's move!" Raphael replyed:" Leo, call me Raph." They then got ready.
Two brothers were ready for the adventures what has just begun.

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