You're not alone

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Leonardo dodged the attack and took out his other katana.
He blocked the sword and kicked her away. He said:" It was you! You killed him!" He jumped up and bringed his weapons down. Foot leader went away from the attack just in time. The turtle rose his weapons and looked at her. Woman looked behind him and said:" You look at that! You failed your mission like him. Now i don't have time for you, kid." Leonardo looked behind him and saw the helicopter taking the statue away. Turtle shouted:" No!" Then Foot ran towards the helicopter.
Leonardo started to run towards them but the Foot leader kicked his left leg and left him there. Leonardo fell head first on the ground and layd there. Soon he rose to his knees and held on his knee. He took off the knee pad and saw little bit of blood. He said to himself:" Just a scratch." He rose to his feet and limped away just in time. Police just got there.
Raphael, who held Donatello upward, asked Michelangelo:" Where are we?" Michelangelo answered:" Near my home. It's very close to one of my friends' home. But we can't bother her." Donatello opened his eyes and asked:" Did we made it?" Raphael remarked:" Sleeping Beauty is awake!" Michelangelo said:" Good to see you alright, D! But the Foot got away. And maybe with the statue. Good thing is, we are almost at my home and you will be batched up in no time!"
In Michelangelo's home Donatello asked:" Raphael, why didn't you listened to Leo? He asked you to help me but instead you fought without the experience! What were you thinking?" Then there was a voice:" That's what i want to know." Leonardo walked through the door. Donatello said:" Wow, Leo! You are really beat up!" Leonardo took few steps forward to Raphael and said:" Good job, Raphael! You made us fail the mission. But i give you another chance to change your temper. We are in this together, so follow my orders or you're out. We can't let you put others at risk because you want to prove yourself."
Raphael replyed angrily:" You never understand what i need, Fearless Leader! I never agreed to join you on this day nor the team. Now you act like this mishap was all my fault." Leonardo shouted:" I just wanted to feel welcome, Raphael! And i know what was it to lose somebody i loved! I try to keep my team safe and you just ran around like you own the place! I wish that you never walked through our door." Then Leonardo turned around, checked Donatello's injuries and left.
Michelangelo said:" I never have seen him so angry before." Donatello said to Raphael:" You did it! You angered him! Now what will you do?" Michelangelo looked at Raphael angrily and said:" Get out of here, Raphael!" Raphael then ran out, leaving two turtles behind.
Raphael got outside and saw Leonardo on the ground, holding his knee in pain. Raphael walked towards him. Painted turtle saw him and turned away. Raphael said:" I'm sorry, Leonardo. It's just...i don't know how to control myself." Leonardo looked away and didn't say anything. Raphael looked at the bloody bandage next to painted turtle and the injured leg. Red eared slider said:" Let's get you home." Painted turtle was still looking away but he said:" Why would you care? You were rude to me the second you got here." Raphael said:" The reason why..." He sighed and said:" I was afraid to forget my mother. I was afraid that i get new family then everything will never be the same." Leonardo looked at him and said:" I know what you mean. I knew that everything will change. But my father will always say to me:" Anata Wa Hitorijanai."" Raphael asked:" The what now?" Leonardo put his hand on Raphael's hand and said:" That means that you're not alone." Then Leonardo rose up and said:" It's getting late." Raphael asked:" Getting? It's already late!"
Soon the two turtles got home and Leonardo patched his wound up before anyone could notice. Raphael asked:" Are you usually this late?" Leonardo said:" Almost all of the time. But remember, do not tell anyone about our team." Raphael answered:" Got it." Then older red eared slider walked into the kitchen and shouted:" Look at that! You boys are here! We grew worried." Raphael said:" You see, dad...we took longer way home to do little bonding like you and Leonardo's mom asked us. But then there was a wild animal on loose so Leonardo got hurt. But we both will be fine." Leonardo facepalmed himself. Older red eared slider asked:" Leonardo, what really happened?" Painted turtle said:" This is true what Raphael told you." Red eared slider looked both Leonardo and Raphael and said:" Alright then. I see that theres something what you two want to tell me but you can tell me when you are comfortable." Then he left.
Leonardo asked Raphael:" Really? A wild animal? Both him and my mom will get suspicious when there is no wild animal in New York." Raphael asked:" What should i have said?" Leonardo said:" We are so dead when either of them finds out about...that whole situation." Raphael then walked away and said:" Then don't tell them." Leonardo rose up from the chair and walked into his room.
The next day Leonardo asked his mom, while helping her in the kitchen:" Why do you love Russell. Just curious." Kiara asked:" Do you not like him, Leo?" Leonardo sat on the chair and looked at the ground when he said:" It's just...Raphael. We don't get along very well. And in this rate maybe never will." Kiara lowered herself to his level and said:" It's not Leonardo who i know. My son never gives up on anything. Even if he feels hopeless." Leonardo looked at her when she added:" You helped me this far on your own. You and Raphael will get along one day. Just give him some time. He just lost his mother. It's not suprising that he is like he is." Leonardo nodded.
In the school, Michelangelo and Donatello didn't talk to Raphael. They didn't even say hello or goodbye. Raphael started to feel bad at the yesterday's adventure. But at least Leonardo was on his side the whole day and he introduced him to his two human friends.
One of them was girl named April. She was cheerleader with short yellow dress with black boots and leggings. She had dark skin with black short hair with yellow hairclip. She had brown eyes.
Second was boy named Casey Jones. He was tan skinned with black eyes and hair. He had black leather jacket with black leather jeans. He wore red-black boots and fingerless gloves.
Raphael befriended Casey right away. After Casey fought against school bully but was losing. Despite Leonardo's warnings Raphael jumped in and defeated the bully. Turns out that Casey defended smaller mutant. That's when their friendship started. It was good time for Leonardo to leave those two alone.
Raphael seemed to socialize more than the previous day. It was something. But even Leonardo was differend. He couldn't focus and failed the class assiment. In his mind was the words what he said in the argument with Raphael. He wanted to forget it but it just came back to him no matter what he did. He heard himself say:" I wish that you never walked through our door." He really didn't meant it like it sounded like. Sure that Raphael made the fail the mission but he didn't do it on purpose.
Then the final bell rang and Leonardo just sat in his place. Raphael, who went to the same class, asked:" Are you alright?" Leonardo didn't dare to look at him and said:" I am fine." He then packed his things and said:" Let's just go. The next thing we do is ninja training. If you have changed your mind then i am not pulling you there by force." Raphael asked:" Are you kidding, Leonardo? I couldn't miss it for the world. And if there’s something on your mind then, i don't force you to talk. But remember, i am here." Leonardo nodded with small smile and said:" Master Splinter said it to me too." Raphael said:" Let's go. We are going to be late."
When Leonardo and Raphael got into the streets then Raphael started to run and said:" Race ya!" Leonardo laughed and ran after him while shouting:" Wait up! I just injuried my leg!"
In the dojo Splinter gave Raphael his outfit and leaded him to changing room. Then he came back and asked his three students:" Do you three need to tell me something?" Michelangelo asked:" Something what we NEED to tell you? Nope! Right, boys?" Donatello and Leonardo nodded in unison. Splinter then walked in front of them all and pull out the bloodied kneepad. Leonardo looked at the ground right away. Splinter said:" It was found in the museum yesterday when there was disturbance. I believe that it belongs to you three." Turtles started to look at each other with worry.
Michelangelo said:" It doesn’t belong to me." Splinter asked:" Who's kneepad is it then? Leonardo, you have one of them missing." The gazes were turned to Leonardo. Leonardo looked down and stayed quiet. Splinter walked up to Leonardo and said:" Is this yours, Leonardo? I just need to know." Leonardo nodded quietly. Splinter asked:" What were you doing there?"
Then Raphael came in and said:" I asked him to." Everybody looked at Raphael in suprise.
Raphael wore now brown socks to his knees, white fingerless gloves with ribbons on his wrists, red belt and mask, brown elbow pads and red and white shoulder band with triangle pattern.
Raphael added:" I was just interested to look at the history and stuff until we were attacked by some ninjas who stole the statue of samurai." Splinter shouted:" Breaking and entering and you witnessed a theift and didn't report it?! You two are in serious trouble." Raphael said:" It was all on me. Don't be mad at Leonardo!" Splinter said:" Doing it is as bad no matter if you wanted to break in or not." Leonardo locked his gaze at the floor. It was first time in his entire life to be in such trouble.
After a training Splinter has called Raphael's and Leonardo's parents. Leonardo said:" Great, now you are in trouble for the crime you didn't commit." Raphael corrected:" I was with you there, Leonardo. It just wasn't fair for only you being in trouble because of your injury."
When he said the last part then Splinter walked in. Leonardo looked away in shame right away. Suddendly Splinter said:" Leonardo, follow me." His voice was stern but Leonardo obeyed. Raphael just sat there with worried expression. It all has been his fault.
Leonardo followed Splinter to Splinter's office. Splinter's room was decorated in classic japanese style. Splinter leaded Leonardo to sit on the pillow in front of the short desk. Splinter asked:" What really happened there? I wish to help you but i can't if you keep your problems in you." Leonardo sighed and said:" It started few years ago when i made small hero group to help people but this night was the first when everything went downhill." He told Splinter everything. Even how angry he was at the Foot's leader.
After the story Splinter went pale and said:" I thought that it was only a story. That statue was the Shredder. The Foot has found him." Leonardo asked:" Really?" Splinter looked at him with serious expression and said:" You must find them and prevent them waking up the Shredder." Leonardo asked:" You are not mad?" Splinter rose up and went to his closet. Leonardo stared at him when Splinter said:" I wish you have told me that sooner. But i am not mad.  Much. You, Michelangelo and Donatello lied to me all this time." Leonardo lowered his gaze again.
Splinter then put a old sword on the table and sat back down. It catched Leonardo's eye. It was katana with dragon appearing on the handle and little bit of the blade. Splinter said:" This will defeat the Shredder. Remember to only use it at him and not anyone else." Leonardo looked at the sword silently. Splinter rose his voice:" Understood?" Leonardo jumped and said:" Not use it on anyone but the Shredder, got it." Splinter's expression softened and he gave the sword to his student. Splinter said:" You know, Karai was right. You really are like your father. There’s something in you what he saw but you haven't seen yet."
Leonardo looked at him and asked:" Karai? Was it that clan's leader?" Splinter nodded and said:" I have heard that she has taken lots of lives, your father was one of them." Leonardo tightened his grip around the katana. Splinter put his hand on Leonardo's shoulder and warned:" Do not be driven by the revenge, my student! It will do nothing good." Leonardo nodded silently. Splinter said:" You may go now."
Leonardo rose up and left. There was waiting his mother and Raphael's father. Kiara asked:" What happened, Leonardo?" Leonardo said:" Nothing happened." Kiara went to hug him. Then Leonardo pushed her away and said:" Stop it, mom!" Raphael asked:" Are you alright?" Leonardo said:" Nothing is alright, Raphael! It all happened because of you. The Foot has the Shredder because you didn't follow the orders. Now the world may be in danger because of your mistake. Why you hated me so much so you simply put my team into danger?" Kiara asked:" What happened, Leo?" Leonardo didn't answered and said:" I will go and find the murderer of my father and maybe fix the mistake what you made." He was about to go until Raphael grabbed his and and said calmly:" Anata Wa Hitorijanai."
That was Leonardo's last straw as he fell on his knees, crying.

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