Sword of Unmei

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Leonardo was always strong young turtle.
But he always overworked himself to help his mother, schoolmates and strangers on the street. Top of that his city's and team's safety was on his shoulders but he never complained. It was something what his father wanted, right?
Now the stress and anger overwhelmed him and ended up snapping at Raphael. The words what Raphael said made him break down from all the stress and thoughts of failure. Anata Wa Hitorijanai. It's something what Leonardo's father has said to him the day before he lost him. When Leonardo saw his father's killer he wanted to lose control but he just couldn't. Why he was defeated so easily in that museum? Why it was too much for him all of the sudden?
Now Leonardo was on his room. He has calmed down but didn't talk to anyone and did nothing. Only stared at the window. He held on the sword what Splinter gave him. He didn't dare to let it go. He then moved his gaze to the sword. There was four weird lines on the handle what he didn't see before. The handle was wooden and the dragon on it was golden. The small gem, resembeling it's eye was blood red.
Leonardo looked at the gem and decided to try and take it off. He moved his right hand towards the gem and grabbed it. Suddendly Donatello called. Leonardo dropped the sword and moved to his desk where was his phone.
Leonardo moved towards it and then suddendly fell head first into the chair near his desk. Raphael ran in and asked:" Are you alright?" Leonardo looked away. Raphael moved closer and gave him his phone. Raphael said:" I was thinking what you said and...we see that it won't work...i want to say that we are leaving soon." Leonardo shouted:" What?! You can't! Please tell me you're joking!" Raphael replyed:" Everything went worse to all of us the second we walked through the door." Leonardo put his hand on Raphael's shoulder and said:" Don't you like it here? We know that we didn't start with the right foot but you can't just leave." Raphael asked:" Why do you want that i stay?"
Leonardo said:" Because we understand each other. Anata Wa Hitorijanai, Raphael. We aren't alone with our problems." Raphael looked at him. Leonardo was right. They are more open than before with each other.
Raphael said:" If you say. But i think that Donnie needed something." Leonardo looked at his phone on his hand with shock. He forgot! He called back and Donatello said:" We found the Foot!" Leonardo said:" Copy that! Me and Raphael will suit up and get to you apartment right away."
Raphael and Leonardo sneaked out of their home and ran towards Donatello's home. Donatello and Michelangelo were already waiting for them. Michelangelo asked:" Are you alright, Leo? I heard that the last night was very tough for you." Leonardo said:" I feel better. But...wait last night?" Raphael said:" It's 9 in the morning." Donatello corrected him:" It's already 9:01." Leonardo asked:" And friday?" Raphael said:" Don't worry. If you had paid attention to the teacher then you know that she comes very late today." Leonardo looked away with understanding.
Donatello said:" Anyway, the reason why we are here is in the garage. Follow me!"
In the garage was dark green with black pumpers off road car. Donnie said:" This is TurtleTruck! I built it very carefully and nobody can see who is driving it. We need it to go to other side of the city. Near Statue of Liberty, where the Foot is located." Raphael said:" It's wonderful! We can take the Shredder from their fingers and then shred them ourselves." Leonardo said:" Not amusing, Raphael."
The dark skinned man in a labcoat was looking at the statue. Karai then walked in and asked:" What's the hold up, Baxter Stockman?" Man said:" I just can't find the way to free him." Karai pushed him into the statue and held him there. She said:" I gave you time and you still aren't able to do it. Why i shouldn't end you right here and now?" Baxter Stockman answered:" Because i have a theory what may help! The sword what defeated Shredder centuries ago: the sword of Unmei." Karai asked:" Sword of Unmei? Where is it?" Baxter Stockman said:" According to the legend it was given to Hamato clan. I don't know the rest!" Karai let him go and said:" We need to find the all of Hamatos."
Donatello was driving the TurtleTruck. Leonardo asked:" You won't be in trouble when you are driving without the licence? Donatello said:" I am only 16. Who expect licence on 16 year old?" Michelangelo asked:" Those shadowy heroes. Whoever they are." Leonardo replyed:" We are those shadowy heroes."
Raphael asked:" Are you two sure i am needed on this mission?" Leonardo didn't look at him said:" I decided to trust you, so yes. You are needed. Just follow my orders, use your skills and refleckses and you'll be alright." Raphael asked:" Why are you so nice to me?" Leonardo looked at him with the smile and said:" Because i need you. You helped me with my burden. Actually it was emparrising to break down like that but i really needed it. And knowing i have new friend got me feeling better." Raphael put his hand on his shoulder and said:" Not only a friend. A brother."
Leonardo asked:" If i may ask you this...what happened to your mother?" Raphael said:" A crash. It happened about a month ago when we were coming from store. Suddendly the car lost control and hit her. I didn't knew what to do. I just stood there. I could have saved her. She died because i was useless." Michelangelo said:" Nobody is useless." Donatello said:" Maybe it's how it's suppose to be. You never have met Leo when she has not died. And Leo was struggling without knowing that he doesn't have to be alone."
Michelangelo added:" Yeah. We are here for each other. Nobody is alone in this team." Leonardo nodded and heard himself say:" Anata Wa Hitorijanai." Donatello and Michelangelo looked puzzled. Raphael and Leonardo started to laugh.
Russell asked:" Where are the boys?" Kiara, who was in the kitchen said:" They are in school. I hope. I don't know what happened yesterday but i hope that Leo feels better." Russell was about to say something when doorbell rang. Kiara opened the frontdoor and Splinter ran in. Splinter said:" I need to talk with Leonardo at once!" Russell said:" Slow down, old man! What is going on?" Splinter took a deep breath and said:" I had a vision about the sword of Unmei. The sword of Fate. I saw the Shredder shattering the only hope that we have against him."
Kiara and Russell looked at each other. Russell asked:" The sword of what now?" Splinter explained:" The sword of Fate is the weapon what was used to defeat the Shredder centuries ago. It is the key to both unleash him and freeze him. I gave the sword to Leonardo. Where is he? I shouldn't have gave it to him." Kiara said:" I call him right now. Splinter, get some rest." She took out her phone and called Leonardo.
Turtles' vehicle ran out of fuel and Donatello was fueling it in gas station. Leonardo looked the sky and saw the Foot on the rooftops. Seemed like they haven't noticed Leonardo's team yet. Suddendly his phone ran (his ringtone was 2012 TMNT instrumental theme song).
Nearest Foot faced them now. Leonardo asked:" Is it ready now?" Donatello said:" I am fueling it as fast as i can!" The Foot started to surround them. Suddendly one of them said:" Get the turtle with the blue mask!" Raphael shouted:" No you won't!" He went between Leonardo and the Foot and hold them off until Donatello shouted:" Yes! We are ready to go!" Leonardo grabbed Raphael's shoulder and pulled him towards their vehicle. Raphael went first to the backseat, like before. Suddendly something grabbed Leonardo and he fell on his shell. Raphael shouted:" No!" Leonardo shouted:" Donnie, get them out of here! Now!"
Raphael was about to get out of the TurtleTank when the door slammed shut and they were driving away. Raphael turned towards Donatello and shouted:" What are you doing? They got Leonardo!" Michelangelo, who was next to Donatello (like before) asked:" Yeah, Donnie. Why are we going away?" Donatello answered:" Because Leonardo asked us to. It's better if only he got captured and not all of us." Raphael snapped and said:" They wanted only him! I don't know why but they have him, who they wanted to capture!"
One of the ninjas grabbed Leonardo's phone and smashed it on the ground. Two other ninjas were holding him in chains. Leonardo asked:" What you want from me!" Then black SUV drove there and scientist came out of it. On his nametag was "Baxter Stockman". He walked towards Leonardo and said:" Just an offer, young one. You tell me about a clan named Hamato and we let you live." Leonardo asked:" Clan named Tomato? Haven't heard of it. Maybe go to the vegetable store." Baxter Stockman growled and shouted:" Hamato no Tomato!" Leonardo didn't looked scared when the man shouted it.
Turtle said:" What about Hamato clan?" Baxter Stockman answered:" According to your life story you are pupil of Hamato Yoshi, the last known Hamato." Leonardo said:" I don't know anything about it. He's not my sensei." Baxter Stockman lift Leonardo's face and said:" I know that you're lying. You act brave but inside you are as scared like your father was. I know because i was there. You will soon join him. You just need to tell me about everything you know about your sensei." Leonardo was silent.
Kiara said:" He won't pick up! Something has happened!" Russell said:" I try to call Raphael!" He called his son too but nobody answered. Splinter said:" I fear that the Foot has them. I should have been more careful. Maybe they know that the sword of Fate is in their hands." Kiara said:" We can't just sit here! Let's go!" Splinter asked:" Do you have an idea where they could be?" Kiara nodded and said:" They might be in school but if not then he have to be with his friends. I know few of his favorite places." Splinter and Russell nodded.
The Foot threw Leonardo into the ground if their HQ. Karai walked towards him and asked:" He haven't talked yet?" Baxter Stockman said:" He's more stubborn than i thought." Karai said:" Alright. Let's see what will happen when we treat him just like his father, who also didn't tell us anything." She took out the knife. Leonardo growled and was still until she got closer to him. Then he jumped up and kicked Karai to her stomach. Baxter Stockman shouted:" Get him! Don't let him escape!" Leonardo slided his legs under ninjas' feet and they fell on their backs.
Suddendly Karai went behind him and stabbed his shoulder. She said:" Be a good boy and stay still." Leonardo said:" You have a wrong turtle. I don't know anything about Hamato Yoshi." Karai then kicked him on the ground and said:" You're lying. How loyal you must be to give your life for him?" Leonardo replyed:" Same to you, Karai. You give your life for the legend what will never be fulfilled." Karai shouted:" The sword of Unmei! Where is it?" Leonardo asked:" You want the sword? Why you didn't ask me sooner? Maybe i can help you with it. I mean maybe." Karai said:" Where is it?" Leonardo said:" I don't know the sword of Unmei but it must be powerful when you want it."
Karai said to her ninjas:" We can't get anything useful from him. Keep him alive for as long as i say and try to get at least something from him. Even if you have to torture him." The Foot then surrounded Leonardo.
Soon the other turtles got near Statue of Liberty. They all walked out of the car. Raphael went towards the statue and punched it. Michelangelo asked:" What now? We don't have a plan and the leader and we are outmatched." Donatello said:" We need to get to their base. But i don't know what we will do!" Raphael said:" We find Leonardo and save him." Donatello and Michelangelo looked at him. Donatello asked:" You have a plan?" Raphael replyed:" Not yet. But we have this." He pointed towards the strange sword in the trunk of the car. Donatello asked:" The sword what Leo got?" Michelangelo asked:" I don't think it's great idea." Raphael answered:" I don't care. Leonardo was the first one who understood me. He is my brother and i won't give up on him. I am saving him alone if i have to. Don't try to stop me." Michelangelo said:" We don't try to stop you. I am coming with you." Donatello nodded.
Leonardo's school teacher said:" I haven't seen him nor Raphael all day." Kiara said:" That's weird. Leonardo is always responsible one." Russell said:" I have heard about some evil forces around New York. Maybe they have him and my son." Splinter said:" I hope not."
Suddendly two teenagers walked there and one of them said:" We might help you find Leonardo and his friends." Kiara asked:" Can you?" Boy said:" I texted Raphael few hours ago and he said that he is going to Statue of Liberty." Girl added:" Leonardo was with him. When i asked Mikey then he said the same thing. Something about the Foot or something." Splinter shouted:" Oh no! Not the Foot Clan!" Kiara said:" We need to get there right away!" Girl said:" I have limo waiting outside. Let's go with that!"
On the way Splinter asked:" How do you know the turtles?" Girl said:" I am April. Their best friend alongside with Casey. I am suprised that they haven't told you about us." Casey added:" Raphael saved me from school bully. He was awesome!" April asked:" You don't stop talking about him, right?" Kiara asked:" What is going on? Leo is kinda off." Splinter sighed and said:" Your son is shadowy hero."
Suddendly the gas leaked into the limo. April was confused until she noticed empty bomb like thing on the ground near Russell. It was the last thing what she saw before they all got knocked out.
When they woke up then Russell and Splinter were gone. Casey asked:" What happened?" Kiara looked at the place where she last saw Splinter and Russell. April asked:" Do you think that Russell was one of the Foot?" Kiara said:" It doesn't make any sense!"
Three turtles found their way into Foot's prison cells. Donatello said quietly:" So far so good." Michelangelo suddendly shouted:" Leo!" There was somebody in the cell from their left. They looked in and saw beaten up Leonardo with the ninjas and Karai. Turtle was chained on the wall from his hands. Looked like he was barely consious. Karai asked:" Still nothing? Alright plan B. Our agent is on the way to bring his sensei here. We don't have any use of this mutant." Leonardo looked at her and said:" You won't succeed in finding the sword of Unmei." Karai said:" Your father said that about the Shredder. And yet here we are. I will finish you off now. Any last words?"
Leonardo said:" Yeah, look behind you!"

TMNT: Anata Wa HitorijanaiWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu