The legend

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Japan was once peaceful country.
The clans there were all brothers and sisters. Until Foot Clan rose up. The people there was powerhungry and almost conqered the whole land. Then four mystical warriors called Foot Clan's leader, Shredder, out for the duel. Mystical warriors' leader defeated Shredder and froze him in time, hoping that he will never terrorize people. But the world wasn't the same afterwards. The mystical powers were slowly draining too.
There was still change that Shredder could return and continue his plans to conquring the world.

Young painted turtle kid was sitting on rat's lap. The kid had red circles on his shell and yellow lines on his side of his neck and cheeks. He was dark green with same yellow markings on his shoulders and hips. His eyes were light blue.
Older rat was gray with brown eyes. He has long tied white hair. Rat wore red kimoto with brown lines and a obi.
Turtle said:" It was good story, Master Splinter." Rat chuckled and said:" Yeah, it was. And i hope that it is just a story." Turtle looked right into his eyes and said:" If it is not then we can kick Shredder's sorry behind!" He jumped up and did some ninja moves when he said it. Master Splinter said:" Come, i think that your parents are waiting." He rose from the ground and reached out his hand towards his young student. Turtle took his sensei's hand and they moved towards the exit.
Behind the door was two older painted turtles. They looked same as the child but female had light green lines instead of yellow ones and the male had hazel eyes instead of blue eyes.
Young turtle ran towards the male one and shouted:" Dad!" Older turtle took him into his arms and said:" I hope that you were good boy, Leonardo." Young turtle named Leonardo nodded with the smile. Splinter said:" He wasn't trouble at all. I was suprised how obeyant he is despite his young age." Leonardo's dad said:" We know. And we also know that you take good care of him." Splinter nodded and said:" I promise, old friend."
Then the painted turtle's face fell. Leonardo asked:" Are you alright, dad?" Then Leonardo was placed on the ground and said:" Not really. I don’t know how long can i stay here. Foot activity in Japan has increased. I need to go and look into it." Leonardo asked:" Will you come back soon?" His dad said:" I promise you, my son." Then he hugged him.
Few days later he was in Japan's forest looking at the foot HQ. There with him was few humans. One of them asked him:" How is with your son, Leon?" Painted turtle in spy gear said:" He's alright." Second asked him:" Has he painted Mona Lisa yet?" Leon took a deep breath. It wasn't the first time when humans made fun of his family because he was mutant.
Suddendly there was a alarm. Half of the Foot Clan had found and invaded it. The spies ran from their places and the half of the Foot Clan, who Leon kept eye on, saw them and now ran after them.
Suddendly one of the spies stumbled over something and fell. Leon saw it and helped them up. Then something grabbed Leon and he was thrown head first into the ground. The spy looked after him. He said:" Go!" Then the spy continued to run. He activated his communication device and said:" Leon got captured! We need to rescue him!" Soon the team got to the Leon's location. There lied corpse of the painted turtle.
The next morning somebody called Leon's wife, Kiara. Kiara answered. The words what she heard changed everything:" Sorry! Leon has died." Kiara dropped her phone from shock. Leonardo, who just woke up, asked:" What happened?"
Kiara just stood there and looked at her son.

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