Training? Sports Festival? Downgrading Every Enemies?

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Haruka's Pov. 

The Next Day after the Chaos on the Gym Yesterday, The Whole Class D are in the Gymnasium Again. Though This Time, We're Here to Record our Strengths and Weaknesses. The Whole Girls of Ayanakoji Group Gathered at the Opposite Sides of the Gyarus that are Fawning Over Hirata. 

"ORAAA!!!" A Loud Yell Echoed Throughout the Whole Gymnasium, It was from Kencchin, Veins Popping Out on his Face and Arms while Gripping the Grip Strength Machine, Looking like a Rage Monster that We Find it Quite Funny

"How'd you like 87.4!" He Yelled Excitedly, Flexing his Biceps 

"Baka, You're too Excited. We Still Have 2 Weeks to Train so It'll Increase Even Greater, Especially When I'm the One Who'll Create the Work-out Routine" Kiyo Informed Lazily, Staring at ceiling while Balancing his Seat with only the Legs from Behind. 

"That's Right Ken! We'll Still Grow!" Miyatcchi Patted his Shoulders with a Smirk "Now, It's my turn!" He Exclaimed, Stretching his Arms

Unlike Ken, Miyatcchi only Groaned Loudly, Popping a Lot of Veins on his Arm and Neck. 

"ERGH! It's 64.5" He Informed with a Smirk.

"Looks like I'm Stronger!" Ken Teased

"haha, You're so Awesome, Man." Miyatcchi Returned Sarcastically. 

After a Few Bickering, They Gave the Machine to the Other Boys. Hirata, Sotomu and Yukimura Earned a Score of  63.2, 54.8 and 42.1 Respectively 

"Here, Kiyotaka! You Try It too!" Miyatcchi Threw the Device to Kiyo who Easily Caught it without a Single Glance

At that Moment, Kiyo Threw It Directly and Fastly to the Sides in a Fast Speed, It was Aimed at Koenji who's at the Side, Admiring himself like a Moron. 

As if he knew it was Coming, He Caught It Easily before Smirking Widely 

"KU HA HA~! Is this a Challenge, Demon boy?" He Inquired

"Perceive it as you want" Kiyo Replied 

"Fufu~ I see, Then—" At that Moment, His Expression Turned Serious before Pressing the Device. 

After the Device Sounded a Beep, Koenji Threw the Device Back, Normally since It was only a Pass to Kencchin

"KU HA HA HA! Relish the Power of the Perfect Existence!" After Yelling those Words, He Strode Off the Gym while Laughing Haughtily 

"Holy Crap! Kiyotaka look at these!!" Kencchin Screamed, Showing Kiyo the Device. 

"Fuck! It's Over 100Kg! 143.3!" Miyatcchi, Who Also Joined in Couldn't Hide his Surprise at the Sight of Device

141.3kg? Sure it's Surprising, But What about Kiyo? 

"Sigh, Give me that for a Sec" Finally Using the 4 Legs of his Chair, Kiyo Grabbed the Device. 

He Took 1 Deep Breath before Pressing the Device. His Eyes are also Turning Dark that is Quite Attracting alongside The Veins Popping Out on his Neck and Arms 

'Oh God… I've only Seen it a Few Times and I'm Craving for it in Bed~' Both Me and Kikyo Thought 

After the Device Beeped, Almost Everyone in our Group, No, The Whole Class C Stared at Kiyo Expectantly 

"Fuuu… " Releasing a Sigh, He Raised the Device, Revealing the Score he Got which is 146.9"

"No Fucking Way!!!" 

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