Island Exam Results? The Moment of Truth?

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Kiyo's Pov 

I Was Awoken from my Blissful Slumber by Ken's Loud Calling from the Outside. What the Fuck Happening!? I'm Trying to Enjoy my Sleep Here! 

Letting Out an Annoyed Sigh, I Got up off the Makeshift Mattress Slowly and Carefully. I wouldn't want to Wake a Happily Sleeping Princess

"God, You're Being so Loud so Early in the Morning. What do you need?" I Emerged from the Tent, Ruffling my Hair in Annoyance 

My Question was Made with Silence, I Woke up from my Blissful Sleep just to get a Silent Treatment, Fuck this

I Opened my Eyes filled with Irritation to See Everyone's Jaws Dropped, Some were Blushing, Some looked Shocked and Kikyo and Ichinose looked Dead Inside. Just what the Fuck is Going On? 

"Oi, Answ—" ""YOOOO!!!!/KYAAA!!!!"" Before I could Continue, Different Screams Echoed throughout the Waterfall that I had to Cover my Ears, It also woke Haruka Up

"YO! YOU'RE A LEGEND, DUDE!! YOU ACTUALLY DID IT!!" Ken Exclaimed with a Huge Grin Plastered on his Face

Did what? 

"YEAH! YOU FUCKING MONSTER! THAT'S OUR LEADER FOR YOU!! A TRUE ALPHA!! " Akito Supported as he Put his Arms over the Other Boys Shoulder as if Celebrating

What? I just slept and I'm Being Called Alpha? 

"GOD! YOU GUYS ARE STILL IN HIGHSCHOOL! HOW COULD YOU DO SOMETHING LIKE THIS!?!" Ichinose who came Back to Life Scolded, Beside her was Kikyo Glaring Every type of Weapons Possible 

Different Remarks came from the Boys and Girls, Ranging from Compliments and Scolding

I Take a Good Look at Myself to see that I'm Shirtless . Is it bad to Sleep Half Naked? It's so Hot and I literally just got Back from Messing with Class A, Perfectly Timing my Attack to Finally Steal the Cave

"Is Something Wrong?" A Sleepy Haruka Emerged from the Tent, A Blanket Covering her Body from Shoulders to Foot. She Walked Sleepily Towards Beside Me and Leaned Her Head on my Shoulder "It Felt Great, Kiyo~!" She Exclaimed Happily, Talking about our Sleep 

At Those Words, Total Chaos Erupted. Some had Passed Out, Some are Even Happily Celebrating

Half Naked? Sleeping? Something that Felt Great?

Oh Fuck, I Messed Up Twice

"Oi, I Didn't Do Anything Malicious" I Spoke Facts, Which was not Believed

"No Need to Lie, Kiyotaka! We'll keep this a Secret to the School! Heck, Well even take it to our Graves!" Akito Exclaimed as they Throw Shibata in the Air in Celebration 

"Yo, I literally didn't do it! I swear!" I Increased my Voice in Hopes that They'll Believe me but They only Shrugged it Off

Fuck, How Annoying. I Should've Done it Yesterday if I Knew this would Happen

"Hey, Princess, A Little Help Here" I Turned to Haruka who's Confused as Heck

"You must've enjoyed it real well didn't you, Haruka-chan?" Before Haruka could Ask Something, Kikyo and Ichinose Grabbed Both of her Arms "Now that I think of it, We heard a Loud Groans or Rather, Moans Last Night, Any Ideas?" 

Finally Noticing What's Happening, Her Faced Flushed into a Extremely Red One, Steam Profusely Coming out of her Head 

"Let's Talk about it in Detail, Shall We? Just Us Girls~" Not Letting an Explanation Be Heard, They Both Grabbed her Arms and Pulled Her to the Bigger Tent along with the Other Girls. 

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