Chapter 19 Part 2

Start from the beginning

Bab’Dlamini immediately stands up with anger and slowly leaves the house but before he can reach the door, she moves closer to him.

“I’m not a murderer for you to be using the same lame tactic against me... you ever tell anyone about this... I will paint your face in the streets of this town, and everyone will see how you were receiving the penis”, she says with a smile.
She quickly locks the door behind him and as Bab’Dlamini leaves the place, she breathes in and out heavily whilst leaning her back on the door, but the question remains in her head was, where could Nkosi be.
He enters in the car and the guard asks him that where should they go and he tells them home.

Meanwhile in a small hut that is located at the back of this house that looked like a horror movie and now a beauty palace, Mabutho wakes up to find himself and his brothers naked along with Zimele, who is staring straight to the floor that is painted red.
Mabutho quickly wakes up his brothers and their amazed to find themselves naked but what amazes them is that they didn’t sleep with Zimele around and that’s when Mabutho asks him that.

“What are you doing here and how did you end up here... and why are we naked”, he says with confusion clearly written on his face.
Zimele let’s out a heavy sigh, who raises his head slowly facing his brother, “ I went to look for Ma... he left... he left me... with a note”, he says brushing the left foot on the floor.

“What do you mean that he left you... what he did you do to him”, Nganono says as if he is trying to clear out some confusion.

He let’s out a sharp sigh, “Look I don’t know what happened... it all happened very fast, all that I can remember, was that I ate the food that was prepared for me by Harriet and after that I found myself naked in bed with her, he says.

All of his brothers look at him with their eyes wide open in shock... “Hai wena your isende doesn’t work neh, how could you be so dumb... you know what that Harriet girl is capable of doing... yet you allowed yourself to be fooled by her!!!, Nkosi says raising his voice.

“that would explain it all... he wasn’t happy when he came from the bedroom, after he said that he was going to check for you... he might have seen the two of you in bed but choose not to answer or react”, Nganono says whilst nodding his head.

Immediately the doors open making a screeching sound as they all quickly hide their private parts, and it’s Mukuna who is dressed so differently from his normal all black outfit, he smiles as he looks at them hiding their “meat” safely in their hands, which makes me think that I have never seen Mukuna’s teeth, well apart from that one time, he was in bed with Kgomotso, yes that one, I wonder what happened to their love story and not forgetting when he gave Hector that plastic of fruits that looked so appetizing.
He quickly moves inside and closes the door, so that whoever is outside, may not see these handsome Dlamini brothers with their meat.

He smiles as if he has accomplished something, “Hello dear brothers... it’s time... please wear these”, he says.
He hands over to them, an attire that has a skin of a leopard identical to his own, “Just tire it around your waist and follow me, he says.
Despite being confused as to how they ended up there and what is Mukuna doing here, they all do exactly as they’re told and quickly follow Mukuna behind, as he leads them through the woods, “I’m very delighted that finally you guys will see what we have been preparing for you... and don’t worry”, he says as he looks at Zimele and Mabutho, “Your people are safe”, he says with a smile.

Nkosi looks at his brothers and they all look exhausted, I mean they were given a drug to keep them asleep and what’s worse he is naked, “Look here... Mukuna I don’t mean to be rude but shouldn’t you be with our father in Johannesburg and I forgot to ask why were we naked.... I mean... where is our clothes and my hat..., he says as he scratches his bald head, as Mukuna stops walking and immediately turns around to face him, making Nkosi to take few steps back.

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