Book 2?

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Hey everyone! I've been paying attention to every comment and have I love all the feedback. Your comments have also made me laugh harder than they should have.

Because of how popular this book is and how little effort I initially put into it, I feel that more should be done with this world building. So I want to know how you all feel about a second book? It would be from the perspective of another woman and there would be another merman involved. Kaia and Atticus will be very important people still. However, this will be a fresher but similar romance between new characters. A lot more world building will be involved too and I will complete the story of the mysterious creature's existence.

Here is a glimpse into what this story would be like.


The salty breeze is a familiar feeling that gets me excited. I feel the salt collecting on my skin and my hair growing heavy. When I breathe in, I feel it saturate my lungs. A thrill runs through my spine as we approach the edge of the cliff.

"It isn't that high, right?" Amanda asks, looking over the edge. She is excited and the adrenaline is her high.

"Are you asking me or telling me?" I grin at her. "It's higher than the one we always jump from in the bay."

"Yeah, and this one is right over the fucking ocean. Look at those waves!"

I step away from the edge and slide my shirt over my head. The cold breeze chills my skin and my heart starts to beat heavier.

"People jump from it all the time. We will be fine."

Amanda backs away from the edge and begins to strip down to her swimsuit too. After shimmying my jeans off, I step towards the cliff again. After pulling out the scrunchie, my curly brown hair flows into my face as the wind whips around me.

My hair makes me proud. It is the same color as my dad's and his family. Although my mom is white and I have been raised by her family, I love and appreciate the heritage of my hyspanic father. My hair makes me proud.

A sadness sets in at the thought of him. A wave crashes below us and sends a spray of ice cold salt water onto me and the images of the accident washes away.

I gasp as the cold hits me and let out a squeal. Amanda stands next to me laughing.

"Fuck, I'm so excited." Amanda bounces on her feet preparing herself for the jump.

I stare down at the deep raging waters below. As I think about the danger, a grin comes to my face.

He will be pissed.

It makes me giddy knowing he will be mad at me.

He might even lecture me and that will make him come closer to me and I can see his eyes...

"Ready, Holly?"

I snap my head to Amanda and nod.

We both back away from the edge one last time and Amanda gestures for me to go first. I bend my knee slightly and take several chilling deep breaths. Pushing the ball of my foot into the ground, I spirit towards the edge.

It comes quickly. First, the ground is gone, then my gut is flipping over itself. The wind pushes my hair straight up and my body starts to flail voluntarily. I feel myself fall and the ice cold raging waters come closer and closer.

The plunge is more shocking than ever. The cold stabs its way into my gut and my skin is instantly numb. I sink far below the surface and open my eyes. The salt burns but I am used to it.

The water is rough and my heart pounds as I work my way to the surface. That is until I see the figure. Black scales so dark it is almost impossible to make him out. Before I can fully register what I am seeing, a pair of angry blue eyes are staring back at me.

I feel the anger from earlier boil up in me. My lungs are screaming at me to get out of the


After hearing his voice, my anger channels into lightning in my thin arm. I flail it at his face, trying to punch him. But I end up looking like a limp noodle in the water that is his domain.

He rolls his eyes at me but I just keep glaring at him. My vision blurs a bit as my brain struggles with a lack of oxygen. He must have noticed because I feel his strong arms around my waist as he brings me to the surface. The sparks when he touches me are outrageously delicious and it just makes me a little less angry.


Wow. It's been a while since I have written anything. I've been crazy busy.

Please let me know if you would like to read Holly's story. The outline is in the making and I'll try my best to post as often as I can.

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