Chapter 14

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The island is for the most part round with a few rocks here and there.

As I follow Atticus, I look out at the sea. It is calm which seems so odd to how it just was a few hours ago.

I must have been lost in thought because before I know it, I am bumping into his back and stumbling back a little.


He turns and looks at me with slight amusement.

"Um, where are we going?"

He lifts his hand and points to behind him. I follow where he is pointing and gasp when I see it.

It is on its side but the words "The Grey Storm" is unmistakable. The sails are on the ground and as I run up to it, I search the bottom for any holes or bad scrapes.

I don't spot any and I find myself laughing in relief. Without hesitation, I climb on and have to stand at an angle on the deck because of its slanted position. I hear Atticus following me.

"What are the chances of this" I say with a smile.

"I brought it here."

I pause and turn to look at him with my eyebrows raised.

"What do you mean?"

"After I got you on the shore, I used the waves to pull it to the island." He looks around at the boat as he says this.

I feel my heart skip a beat. He did that for me. He didn't have to but he did.

After a while of assessing the damage, I start to go about the island and collect all the trash that I can. I feel horrible for being so reckless. This island and its waters are so pure and natural. I came along and destroyed it. He was right. I really am just like other people.

It makes me sad to think that I would have not only disappointed Atticus but also myself. I don't even want to think about the idea of my dad being unhappy. I'm sure he would have told me it wasn't my fault but I still feel guilty. I let my emotions get the best of me and didn't think about other people.

I came to a tree where I picked up a few papers. A shuffling sound above me made me look up to see a plastic bag stuck in the tree above me.

I picked up a rock and put it on the papers so they won't blow away. I was a bit worried about messing up the bandages Atticus put in my wrists and shoulder but I had to get the bag.

I carefully climbed up the tree and reached for the bag.

"What are you doing?"

I jumped and almost fell but caught myself. I looked down to see Atticus frowning up at me.

"I'm getting the trash."

I grab the bag and start to climb down as I respond to him.


"Why wouldn't I? I made a mess and have to clean up after myself."

"It's not your fault."

That sounds very odd. What he said sounds nothing like what I would have expected especially considering how he feels about humans.

I just decide to shrug at him and start to use the bag to put the papers and other trash in.


I didn't expect her to be so determined. It makes me sound bad but I expected her to just cry and get over it.

When the storm came, I began to worry about her. But I assumed she could take care of herself. I was mad that she wanted to leave. She doesn't know what she is to me so I can't blame her for being confused. But I decided to be selfish. It has just been me and me alone for the last few decades. I don't look it but I am about 100 years old. I stopped aging when I reached 28 years and have been alone ever since.

I had begun to feel something in my chest. It must have been her emotions but what was strange was how I was feeling them without even looking at her. She was confused and very conflicted with all her emotions.

As the storm got worse I began to worry more. I decided to go to her boat to make sure she was okay. That's when I saw her ram the line.

My first thought was how stupid that was. But I saw her face and how determined she was. I believed she could have done it. She seemed unstoppable in that moment. But the sea didn't want her to go as much as I didn't.

It threw her boat back and the whole thing fell over. I tried to calm the sea but it wasn't listening to me. That's when I swam to her and tried to hold her above the water. She was barely conscious and I felt my heart shatter. I put her in this situation. I made her desperate and I wasn't there to be with her.

Watching her struggle to stay alive and feeling her body go limp scared me more than anything. I found someone to be with and the only person I can ever love. And I was being a fool.

I screamed for the waves to stop and they finally submitted to my will and calmed.

I quickly got her to the beach and made sure she was live. I went to the boat and used the waves to bring it in. There were some clothes around the island and I found a pair of shorts that fit me.

After I made sure the boat was secure, I rushed back to Kaia. She was still unconscious and I saw the blood all over her. Rushing into the water, I retrieved some seaweed and washed away the sand before wrapping it around her wounds.

She was shaking from the cold wind and being drenched. I pulled her to me and used my body heat to keep her warm and safe.

She stopped shivering and started to sleep calmly in my arms. I whispered I'm sorry to her and to not leave me. I can't lose her. I need to stay with her forever and she needs to stay with me.

Eventually, I fell asleep.

When she asked me the next day about trying to drown her, I felt crushed. The idea that she thought I could do that tore into me. I need to start proving to her that I don't hate her.

Now I am sitting on a rock and watching her go about her business on the island. At first I think she is only grabbing the things she needs that are on the sand. Then she starts to pick things up that she can't use anymore. That prompts me to ask her about it.

I am amazed. She is nothing like the other humans. She respects the sea and is doing everything I didn't think humans would do. I should stop questioning the bond we have. We were paired by the sea for a reason.

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