"Claire!" He screamed as Claire was walking along in the woods happily.

She completely forgot why she was in the woods but she was happy to be there. She started tosing a lullaby and play with the flowers by her feet. She sat  down and smiled once she sat down on a fallen tree. Suddenly Ciri came running threw the woods and stopped as she saw Claire sitting on the tree.

"Please help me I'm being chased!" Ciri begged as Claire looked at her and nodded.

"Ciri come here quickly get in the tree now," Claire said as Ciri ran to her and hurried into the log.

Claire quickly moved som stuff in front of the hole and sat back on the log. She grabbed the knife that she had in her dress pocket and waited for who ever was after her.

"Come on I dare you to come get her, I got two things you don't have. A curse that's killing me and a very protective witcher. I'm sure he will be here any moment knowing him, he has a very good noise," she said as Claire said as she cut her hand a bit.

Suddenly a man with a knife came running threw the woods and saw Claire sitting on the log waiting for him. He scoffed as Claire smirked a bit.

"What are youbdoing here young man? I think you would catch some fish better then getting an animal around here especially with how loud you are dear boy," she said as he chuckled.

"Have you seen my daughter? She got herself lost in these woods," he said as Claire thought for a moment.

"What does she look like?" She asked.

"Very bond wearing a blue cloak," he informed.

"Um no, there is a river by that could be where she went lots of pretty flowers grow there," Claire said as the man started getting closer to her and held the blade out so she could see it.

Come on Geralt he knows I'm lying. I am trying to buy you some time here.

"There is no river around here," he said as she chuckled.

"Really? Then where was i thinking of? I'm so old everything is getting mashed together now. Never get old, it makes you go crazy in a strange sort of way," she informed.

"I'll keep thst in mind. Tell me where she went or I will kill you," he growled.

"I really don't know I cut my hand on my own knife trying to get flowers, you think I would lie to you. I may be old but I don't have a death wish," Claire informed.

"You are hiding her, tell me where she is!" He growled.

"You know I have two things you don't have. A curse that's killing me and a very protective witcher. He doesn't like it when you mess with things that are his especially me," she said as she saw Geralt behind him.

"Really? Is thst supposed to scare me?!" He growled.

"Depends on if you can beat a witcher," she informed.

"Get away from her know!" Geralt growled.

"You weren't bluffing," he asked as Geralt grabbed him and stabbed him with his sword.

"No she wasn't, he said as he dropped his sword and hugged Claire.

"Don't ever do that again!" He said as she smiled.

"But I found something you might want to see," she said as Ciri came out of the log and Geralt smiled at her but then he looked at Claire softly.

"But Claire thst means," he paused.

"I know, we might have a couple of days left maybe a week at most. My mind is starting to leave me again," she sighed.

"It's okay, I'll be here with you I promise," Geralt said as she smiled at him.

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