The Duchess of Gloucester Territory Part One

Start from the beginning

"I had to undo the damage caused by both." Lord Andrew Charles explains.

"Where is my heiress?" Lord Charles Andrew JR asks.

"Lady Elizabeth is with her mother, brothers and sisters in the drawing room." Lord Andrew Charles explains.

Lord Charles Andrew JR with Lady Sarah and Lady Frederica walk into the drawing room and Lady Karissa rises to her feet and so do the rest of the family to bow and curtsy to Lord Charles Andrew JR.

"Grandpa.You have come to see my sister born." Lady Elizabeth asks her grandfather.

"Lady Elizabeth. Where are your manners, aren't you going to greet your grandmother and aunt?" Lady Karissa asks.

"Hi, Lady Sarah and Lady Frederica. This is an exciting day." Lady Elizabeth tells them.

Lord Charles Andrew Howard JR with Lady Charlotte Victoria Maud and Lord Charles Andrew IV walk in and Lord Anthony, Lord Albert Edward smile " Hi Cousin, Lord Charles Andrew IV and Lord David Frederick."

"Lord Anthony. Why don't you take Lord Albert Edward, Lord David Frederick and Lord Charles Andrew IV upstairs to your suite and play quietly. Your nanny will bring you all snacks." Lady Karissa asks.

"When Lord Richard Edward III and Lord David William III arrive, I will send them up to join you." Lady Karissa tells her.

All the young boys depart the room, and Lady Karissa holds Lord Benjamin Lawrence who is only 11 months old.

Lady Elizabeth, Lady Frederica. Lady Samhain, Lady Autumn Bridget, Lady Anastasia Christina, Lady Charlotte Victoria Maud and Lady Caroline remain in the drawing room.

"The young ladies may stay, but the young men don't have any business here in the drawing room." Lady Karissa explains.

Finally Lord David William arrives with Lady Katherine, Lord David William II and Lady Edwina Wihelmina from Essex Territory and Lord David William walks in " Listen Lord Andrew Charles, Kevin has a message for you. If anything happens to Lady Karissa. Richard William and he will come after you and they will make you pay."

Lord Richard William walks in with Lord Thomas William and Lord Frederick and Lord Richard William looks at Lord Andrew Charles " Listen here, Lord Andrew Charles. We are first cousins twice removed, but I am Lady Sophia's third cousin and my daughter and son are her third cousin once removed and they share the same mother, Lady Karissa." Lord Richard William explains.

"Don't deprive my children of their mother." Lord Richard William tells him.

Lord Andrew Charles looks at Lord Richard William and answers " What am I to say?"

"Let's see. How about getting a new mistress for a start and leave Lady Karissa alone." Lord Richard William states "I have my children's welfare to think of and so do you."

"I ought to kick your whinny, spoiled rotten rear-end, Lord Andrew Charles.You have given my late great-grandfather names a bad reputation." Lord Thomas William tells him.

"My great-grandfather was a decent, hard-working man and he became Duke of Northumberland Territory on his own." Lord Thomas William explains.

"You have given his name a bad reputation." Lord Thomas William tells him.

"I am not the one that named me." Lord Andrew Charles tells him " Take it up with your first cousin thrice removed."

Lord Thomas William looks at his first cousin thrice removed, Lord Charles Andrew Howard JR and he asks him " Why did you ever name your youngest son after my great-grandfather?"

Lady Sophia Dorothea Howard, Duchess of Gloucester TerritoryWhere stories live. Discover now