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"What the hell?" Was the only thing I could say as hundreds of people ran past me saying things like "GET THAT THING AWAY FROM ME!!" or "WHAT THE HELL IS HE DOING!? RUN!!" or just general screaming. I tried looking behind everyone to see what they were running from until-


It was a blonde man who used my shoulder to pick up speed, he made me loose balance and I fell backwards. I made a decent obstacle for people to go around until there was a strange opening of people. When I saw through the crowd it was a girl with blue-grayish skin and barbwire looking marks on her skin. She was on top of another person with their blood everywhere along with their intestines leading up to the girl's mouth. I nearly gagged looking at it happen and I tried getting up and running away but before I could move the girl turned her head towards me.

"Shit!" I was in her line of sight! I turned my back to get up quicker which was my first mistake. I could hear the crowd screaming louder and louder around me. Before I could get a good momentum I turned around and felt the girl tackle me, biting the fabric off of my hood of my jacket. I tried jerking her away from me but her weight made me fall onto my back with her directly over me.
Her fingernails were long and sharp, her eyes were completely red including the whites and she was drooling over me with her sharp teeth too close for comfort. I was using my arms to hold back her shoulders but her hands started clawing at my clothes trying to find an opening on my flesh. The only showing skin I had were my face and hands but she couldn't get to my hands on her shoulders.
I felt a tight grip on my shoulders feeling as if she's going to rip my skin open and lunged to my face.


I screamed. My face, MY EYE! It felt unbearable! It's gone my eye! I can't see its bleeding out! She's going to kill me! Was all I could think of, I was crying out of the one eye that remained and it was closed thinking it as a defense. There was someone pulling the weight of the girl off of me as I heard a faded voice.
I could feel my body weakening, my vocal chords felt like they were burning but nothing compared to the new hole in my face. My head started to become fuzzy, I thought I'd die by that girl. Maybe she'd come back for me to finish me off.

A moment later, I had passed out

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