Chapter 8 " keep her safe."

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Five walked closer to the guy, putting his hands in his pocket. As Valentina followed behind him. He stared at the guy as he pressed his lips together.

" been looking for you. " Five said to the guy.

The guy heard him, lift up his head as he stops the machine. Turning his body around to face the owner of the voices, with a cigarette in his mouth. Both Valentina and Five stopped walking eyes widened seeing who it was. Five staring at him shocked that he is still alive.

' pogo...'

Pogo stared seeing what he thought were adults getting a tattoo but it turns out to his surprise children, blowing out a cigarette staring at the two people in front of him. He shook his head, " I don't tattoo children. "

" swell, we are not here for the ink. " Five told him. " we're here because you and both of us have a mutual friend. Sir Reginald Hargreeves. "

Pogo stayed quiet, hearing Five as he went back to his tasked. He let out a sigh hearing Five mentioned the name.

" whatever he wants, I'm not interested. " he responded went back to the man on the chair.

Valentina took a step closer to pogo. " pogo, please it's important. " Five held his hand telling her to wait.

Then went back to pogo. As Five is running out of patience. " I don't think you understand. We are one of his children. From another timeline. "

Pogo stopped what he was doing then lift his head curious to why would he come to him. Then both of them heard chains rattling coming towards them while still keeping contact with the monkey in front of them. Pogo faced them or more like Five.

" another timeline? " pogo chuckles but was cut off. Then he watches the vibe between them both, can easily tell the closeness. " if you say his children, then I be getting the impression that you two are dating? "

Right when pogo mentioned it making both Valentina and Five blush, even thought they are a official ish. Pogo even mentioned to them. " then that would be incest. "

" it's not incest if it's not blood related. " Five continue, then glanced to the other members coming closer. He immediately got her hand. " as crazy as it sounds, you and I have met before. Back in 1963, when you were a dipper wearing chimp in dire need of manicure. I don't know if you remember, but I have a scar to prove it. "

By ur side // Five Hargreeves (3) Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin